
YES!!! I remember the whole “Killary is going to get us into another war, she’s a neocon and hawkish hurr durrr hurr......”. Well, you happy, guys?

Right? What did Spicy think Hitler did, import Jews from other countries then kill them?

I have never felt such VISCERAL HATRED for someone I’ve never met as I do for this orange fucktard.

I was just thinking the other day about how we all used to get so outraged about the Kardashians... so incredibly fluffy and silly. We gadded about willy-nilly, no idea of the horrors soon to come. I would like to have some of those light-hearted days back.

Of course, let’s not forget he insists on going to Trump-owned properties, so we’re all putting our taxpayer $$$ into HIS pockets.

There’s a pending Supreme Court case about 2nd amendment rights here in California- we have the right to keep firearms in our house for self-defense (just to be clear, not me, I don’t want a gun!), but there’s a question about whether we can carry firearms outside the house, if open carry is legal, whether a special

Did anyone ever believe she became a model because she just went on go-sees and was hired, that it had nothing to do with additional publicity her name would earn to whatever they cast her in? Yes, she is very pretty and tall, but nothing special there to have her stand out. I’m sure if she was an 18 year-old today,

Especially Melissa McCarthy as Spicy Spicer. That was insanely good.

SO GOOD. I had to do a triple-take to see if it really was Alec Baldwin. That impersonation was uncanny.

It gives me hope that there’s someone out there for everyone, so I almost feel reassured to here this loathsome creature got married. I haven’t been on a successful date in years either!

There was talk of how shady the strike was from Lawrence O’Donnell; I think Chris Matthews said some things about it being suspicious. I have no trouble believing that is was empty flag-waving and the Russians were aware it was just military posturing.

Yes! I laugh whenever I hear evangelicals expressing fear about Sharia Law coming to the USA. Their own culture is represses women so much; how is that any different than Sharia law? It’s already here, people; it just has white skin.

“But eventually, maybe if my daughter was older and I could totally focus myself on something like that, I think it could be interesting.”

And of course all they do is go to Trump owned properties, so the SS and anyone else who travels with them pays (the government pays) the Trump corporation, once again enriching their bank accounts. You could not make up all the ways these toxic assholes are corrupt; no one would believe it. As one news pundit put it,

I’d guess it is (taking the $$$ and not using it for what was intended), but couldn’t see anyone on FB asking her for their $ back. In fact, some people were offering to give more!

All those (alleged) billions, and they couldn’t get the poor bastard braces??? What a shambles.

I think I heard somewhere between $4000-5000... I don’t know what the actual goal was. For some people that might not seem like a lot, but it certainly is to me because of my current economic state!

I totally get the medical reason to donate; health care is extremely expensive. Some treatments aren’t covered, and are needed in a life and death way.

I’m glad I’m not the only person who thinks so. I thought, jesus christ, give that $$$ back! However, there were a lot of people who wrote below her post (explaining that she was “giving it another try”) “No, keep the money, I love you!!!” Shit, I need some friends who will toss money at me when I air my sob story on

I agree completely. I laughed when I saw her post, because damn those are some big lady balls. Talk about being a professional victim.