
LOL This probably isn’t relevant to the topic here, but about the issue of GoFundMe accounts people set up for themselves.

Me too. I feel completely insane. I want these people OUT OF THE GOVERNMENT.

That’s one thing that makes me crazy about trump voters. We live in a time where there is more access to more information than ever before, and they never looked into ANYTHING he said on the campaign trail. They would have seen he had no actual plans to back up his rhetoric, and his rallies were little more than WWE

His supporters seem to believe that signing an executive order = making something a law. Also, having a photo taken with a bunch of business leaders (standing around him with big smiles) means he’s created a lot of jobs. He’s making deals!

I don’t want to see our country run like one of President Tinyhands’s businesses, since he seems to like to declare bankruptcy and walk away when things go bad.

“This job isn’t fun! I thought it was going to be fun! And all the congressional people- they’re supposed to do everything I want! WHY AREN’T THEY??? Now, where’s my plane? It’s almost tee time.”

It’s Birther Control!

Yes, threatening members of your own party is a great idea, especially since a few ACTUAL billionaires (the Koch brothers) have promised to back the nay-sayers for re-election if they vote against the bill. Great job bringing that party together! Great job working across the aisle (wait that didn’t happen ok).

I never quite know what to think about this debate. When I was in school for fashion (Parsons, graduated 1992, yes I’m older than most people here), there simply weren’t any paid internships. They didn’t exist. The only thing I remember would pay anything was picking up a job dressing at a fashion show, and that was

There’s a Kmart near where I live, and the last time I went in there I think I saw an Adam Levine Collection. Maybe I hallucinated it?

I have a name for this product- INTERPLANET TAN-IT.

I second the nominee Cruz and his baggy skin-suit.

He’ll feel right at home... an orange man on a red planet.

I volunteer President Circus Peanut and his spawn to go! And no fuel to return!

“Why doesn’t this wooden toilet flush???”

It’s the hardest working paper shredder in show business (since we have a fucking reality star as president, it’s hard to call it government anymore).

He keeps throwing out that comment about how “he should have let Obamacare go on for another year and watch it collapse, it’s a disaster, the Democrats will be BEGGING us to fix it!!!”. It’s obviously an advance warm-up to not changing anything if the bill dies in the Senate; if things go sideways he can keep putting

I feel exactly the same. I’m starting to understand how revolutions start.

I’m a rare beast these days; I was a straight-up alcoholic. I got sober in NYC, and live in Los Angeles now. My sobriety date is 11/15/98, and I couldn’t have done it without the support of AA. I know it’s not for everyone, but it’s what works for me. I still go to about 4-5 meetings a week, do service for my groups,

It’s so crazy how he never misses an opportunity to insult/ slam former president Barack Obama. Trump is the most incredibly insecure man ever to be elected president. Confident people never need to try to bring down others to make themselves look better. Then again, so many of trump supporters seem to love the idea