
I hope that when these congressmen go home for the next recess they’re greeted with torches, pitchforks, and open-carry constituents. They thought the town hall meetings were bad; can you imagine the rage if this bill gets shoved through?

Or like he had poorly fitting dentures. Yuck.

This is my favorite movie so far this year; I’m so happy it’s a raging success!!!!

Anyone else catch the announcement that President Yam is going to reorganize the federal branch of government, eliminating departments that are duplicative or “do nothing for the American people”? This is so incredibly fucked up. Smaller government, for real.

Listening to Tom Price on Meet the Press trying to polish this turd totally made me sick, pun fully intended.

I have a suggestion- instead of calling it “Trumpcare”, they should call it “Trumpdon’tcare”.

So many people just didn’t want to question anything trump said because it was what they wanted to hear (jobs! better healthcare! defeat isis! etc.). His supporters completely accepted that his tweets were enough proof.

Ooh, I HATE the word “folks”! It seems to be a favorite word of politicians when they’re trying to sound friendly and understanding the average person. I noticed it the other day when Tom Price was taking questions re: new healthcare bill; he was folks-ing all over the place.

11/15/98... I’ve never regretted it for one minute. Best thing I’ve ever done <3

Thank you! One good thing about recovery is that we tend to get very comfortable being open with our problems, and it gets easier to go from discussing addiction to other issues. Once you can start talking openly about what’s been happening with you, it starts to lose power a bit. Keeping in painful secrets rots the

It’s a bitch of a disease. There’s so much shame attached to having an ED. I’m also a sober alcoholic (18+ years, whoopee), and it’s almost a given that every woman who walks into recovery has had some kind of ED at least one point in their lives. Makes sense, since getting drunk or high is another way of managing/

Treatment for eating disorders should have treatment coverage; inpatient treatment in a controlled environment (specialized clinic or medical facility) is often needed to become physically healthy. Besides the considerable physical ailments caused by eating disorders, there’s the psychological causes. From what I know

Yes, thank you! Goddamn, how did we get to this place???

What the hell is wrong with this dude? That was a seriously long post. I guess I’m not the only person with nothing to do on a Saturday night.

I’m really looking forward to reading Pres. Obama’s book, and hope he addresses some of the racist garbage he had to deal with during his 8 years in office. He handled all the shit thrown his way with dignity and grace, and what we have now as our leader is an embarrassment to our country.

The GOP people that MSNBC have had on TV this morning are taking this latest string of demented tweets very, very seriously. They all seem to be offering reasons why it could be true. Apparently, trump did the tweets after seeing the allegations on Breitbart (I can’t bring myself to click on their site to see what it

Having seen the new movie last night, we should also send in the little girl along with Logan. If President Babyhands can do his ongoing “Take Your Daughter To Work” day, Logan should be able to bring a girl child along too.

Have you ever heard stories about personal shoppers who have to take size tags out of garments and replace them with smaller numbers before handing them over to their celebrity clients? I think a tailor for him would have to have a special tape measure that would confirm, “Why yes, Mr. Trump, you do have a size 34

I’ve always thought that he won’t release the tax returns for the money laundering issue, but that just as much of a big deal for him would be revealing that he has far, far less money than he claims. That would be SO HUMILIATING. Like boasting about your long, luxurious dick when in fact you have a micro-penis.

Does this mean we can call in Logan to take care of it? Please say yes.