This is what gives me hope. He’s been dismissing and disparaging them since day one. If Comey and the FBI are fumbling or avoiding investigating the Russian ties, I don’t think the CIA will stand for it.
This is what gives me hope. He’s been dismissing and disparaging them since day one. If Comey and the FBI are fumbling or avoiding investigating the Russian ties, I don’t think the CIA will stand for it.
Like John Oliver said, the scariest noise these days is the sound your phone makes to alert you to a breaking news story. I swear I get that adrenaline kick in the pit of my stomach every time I hear it. I felt my blood run cold last week when they reported that certain press correspondents were denied entrance to the…
I’ve been seeing the usual “Give him a chance!” comments scattered on my FB feed today. My reply is short- “No.”
He looks so... matronly in that burgundy wig. Kind of has a Caroline Manzo air about him.
John Oliver said something about how now the most terrifying noise you hear is the sound your phone makes to alert you to news stories. Absolutely this.
He thought he was talking to Omarosa. They all look the same, you know.
I had it on, but the TV was in a place where I couldn’t see it, so I just listened. I was alternately gasping, laughing, and saying, “Are you fucking kidding me???” to no one but my two dogs.
And Cher, and Keith Richards.
Yes. I’ve been thinking/ saying this every day. I no longer worry about my credit card debt; the nuclear blasts will erase all records (and us), right???
Of all the things in America that we’re going to “make great again”, I doubt President Babyhands put female orgasms high on the list.
The sight of not just a woman, but a BLACK woman in trump drag should be enough to drive him into a rage explosion... of course, I’d expect a crazy tweet about this and not even touching on the MISSILE FIRED BY NORTH KOREA last night.
Remember the photos from when President Babyhands met for the first time with President Obama, and how Babyhands looked spooked and subdued for probably the first time ever in public? I’m sure he got a very thorough run-down of the many things he’d be in charge of, and thought, “I’m going to have to actually...…
Sharp enough for President Babyhands to choose him to be in charge of cyber security. He really would be better off choosing Barron instead.
Who told these guys that we’d fall for it? “Oh, wow, I’m so special and lovely that he absolutely had to try this thing that he’s NEVER DONE BEFORE” *lashes flutter, swoon swoon* Ugh.
People absolutely LOATHE him in NYC, so I don’t know how much social cache this gets her. I’m sure she gets invited places, but since it’s such a solidly blue state, I can’t imagine it’s too often.
Someone pointed out on another thread that if Michelle Obama had insisted on living in a gold tower separate from the white house, requiring her own security detail, there would have been people screaming for her head.
Hey, I’m also a gray lady (I don’t even bitch about it; I pick my battles!) but I have a Porn SpamBot following me too. Mine’s named Ashley!
I am so ashamed of my country/ shitweasel president for not issuing any statement about this horrific crime. Oh, now they’re reporting he called PM Trudeau about the attack. Still, no public reaction is shitty. If he wants to be seen as a leader, he should openly condemn the attack.
Let’s go from #freemelania to #detainmelania !
Or some horrible trumper will shoot up a mosque. Actually, I’m surprised this hasn’t happened yet.