His sons should be drafted. Barron is too young, but I’m sure any war he starts won’t be resolved for a few years, so he’s got time.
His sons should be drafted. Barron is too young, but I’m sure any war he starts won’t be resolved for a few years, so he’s got time.
Oh, man... shutting down an avenue of income that shouldn’t even be an avenue of income since he’s supposed to be disconnected from, like in a blind trust? He’s so fucking corrupt.
“Future events such as these will affect us in the future, for that is where we will spend the rest of our lives!”- Kriswell/ Plan 9 From Outer Space
The event lasted about 20 minutes. I actually screeched out loud “THAT’S IT???” when they abruptly walked off stage.
Instagram that shit! #charredhand #dropdeadring !
Great premiere episode, so good to have this show back! I can understand why the didn’t want to show this the night before the election. The head-shot damage was pretty graphic, and with reality so insane right now, Scandal’s cray-cray plot arcs don’t seem entirely far-fetched. I love Mellie/ Olivia friendship…
I’ve thought of doing the exact same thing.
Watching the press briefing yesterday and today was hilarious, enraging, and terrifying. I give Spicer 6 months before he collapses into a gibbering wreck and is removed from the press room. Listening to the press hammer away at him about this today was pretty great; they would not let him off the hook.
I thought that Tom Hardy was the better actor in that movie; I agree Leo was vastly overrated. They pushed SO HARD for him to get an oscar for his performance. I thought it was a good movie, but I was definitely reacting to the beautiful camera work, the locations where they shot the film, not so much the actor’s…
She was so charming and lovely in that movie. I think it was very underrated! I’m very surprised she didn’t get nominated for Arrival; that was an amazing performance. What’s up with that?
Since yesterday, when someone said in their speech at the inauguration “the one true God, Jesus Christ”, I have a picture of God, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Vishnu, Shiva, and all other deities and prophets worshipped sitting around, watching this bullshit spectacle, and Jesus keeps shrugging helplessly and saying, “Hey…
I can’t help but wonder if the tide would turn if trump starts a stupid ground war somewhere and starts sending over their family members to come back home to a even more poorly funded VA program, or worse yet come home in a casket.
I was just about to post the same thing. People who oppose “partial birth abortions” are completely ignorant. The decision to terminate a pregnancy so far along is an incredibly painful choice; the pregnancy is obviously wanted if it’s past 7 months, and the need to terminate at that point is because of a catastrophic…
I totally agree. I got down in the dirt with someone online (of course) who was getting riled up with her belief that “abortion is murdering babies, they’re going to hell!!”. I said, “Why do you care? She’s going to hell; you’re not. Stay in your lane and mind your own fucking business.”
I would imagine everyone on the show is ready to do an all-nighter on Friday to they can do a fast turnaround for the Saturday show.
11 representatives from California; I am extremely proud of my home state. GO CALIFORNIA!
That is an interesting strategy. I like your thinking :-)
I was delighted to see this sketch last night, and happy to see they’re not pulling punches. The performance by Baldwin is getting more and more grotesque every time he does it, especially the weird faces.
I’m an alcoholic, so I’m clutching my sobriety as hard as I can (18 years +)... if I was still drinking, I’d probably be dead right now, since I’d have been 24hr wasted since last spring (when the campaigns started in earnest). I just kind of rage, commiserate with friends, and hold my dogs close.
Bone spurs in one of his feet. He can’t remember which one. There are two, so it’s probably one of those. He thinks.