That’s what I was trying to say. TY!
That’s what I was trying to say. TY!
You’re right; it’s called a plan. What a pair of monsters.
Of course, he’s saying “There’s no evidence the voting was affected... no voting machines were hacked!!!” First, you fuckwit, no one thought the voting machines were hacked; the DNC computers were. Also, yes donald, you lost the popular vote with no hacking needed.
I like to think that everyone around trump carries a cyanide pill in a fake tooth, and if president elect babyhands orders a nuclear strike, they must take the cyanide pill. And shove it in trump’s puckered little mouth.
That’s how I keep thinking about it. We’re not going to secede from the US, but all you states that have fucked yourselves through your small government idiocy and think we’re depraved godless liberals want OUR STATE to help you financially? Hey, you guys shit your beds, have fun rolling around in them.
I hope that the half of the American voting population that chose to sit out this election rather than vote for HRC or trump will very quickly realize what the fuck they’ve allowed to happen, and start to get on board with the democrats. I doubt any of the GOP will change, but I am a bit hopeful that not only will the…
I usually take the position of “Hope for the best, but expect the worst.” I can’t even do that for this bunch of fucktards. It’s more along the lines of “Hope for the least-worst, expect the catastrophic, plan accordingly.”
Holy shit... anyone who thinks colon cleansing is the best thing you’ll ever do is TOTALLY FUCKING CRAZY. Same with those other listed, but colon cleansing really jumps out at me.
I’m childless, and over 40, so I know that I’ve been a ghost for many years. No one knows what we women do when we hit this point in our lives, because they can’t see us (evil laughter)!!!
All those babies will grow up into adults, and the GOP NRA supporters can use them as target practice... also, if the adult targets are POC, no one will care!
Well, Dorit’s friend & houseguest Boy George is on the Celebrity Apprentice right now, so maybe she dropped by the set and got some tips from out executive producer/ president elect.
DEFINITELY FILLERS. I speak with some experience, because I happen to have had some myself about 6 weeks ago (don’t judge please, it was my 46th birthday present for myself). I went to a very good cosmetic surgeon, not just some random dermatologist, and told him that I wanted to have the lines that have formed from…
Yes. There was a profile of Ivana Trump in Vanity Fair, and she said the same thing about the book of speeches. What a fucking lunatic. Still can’t believe this fat orange slug is going to be POTUS.
Besides their... whatever.
Not vulgar... I’m going to add in my thought for how this could be even more magical. You know how we ladies tend to get in sync with each other’s cycles if we spend a lot of time together? What if the inauguration was on the heaviest flow day?
I’m scared for that little blonde America’s Got Talent singer, Jackie Evancho... she’s 16; they better keep her away from his pussy-groping baby-hands.
Hitler for Dummies.
If he really can’t read, the State of the Union address is going to be totally insane. Either he’ll just wing it, or have someone feeding him lines in an earpiece. I wonder if the SotU address will be like the past ones, where the winning parties give a standing ovation after every 2-3 sentences. It would be so…
You’re right, just a book of speeches. I just had to do a google search. I think my brain is expunging all trump info at a rapid rate to protect me from my rage that he’s actually going to be president. I can’t even bring myself to capitalize his last name, and will only ever refer to him as president babyhands if I…
Silly me. I was confusing Mein Kampf with The Art of the Deal