
Thank you. I get having to set a time-limit in a hearing, but it was his look of contempt towards her at the end that really got me. I’ve seen it before, usually when a woman has the actual gall to be speaking about something with passion and insight, and it makes me want to puke every time. The fact that he

Ellie I really think the headline of this post should have been about how fucking awesome that woman is rather than how predictably terrible that man is.

White supremacy and misogyny go hand in hand. They’re two key tenets key of fascism. Also at play here? The intertwining of christianity and government legislation.

I am in such a rage, he smashes it down while he looks in her direction. It’s totally intimidation. Ugh. Men are lucky we talk to them, much less fuck them.

I do for the mens side, power and authority, what I don’t understand is the women who fuck them or become their wives.

Bump. Let’s all take a minute to call his office and ask why he feels the need to act like a dumbass thug on the taxpayers’ dime.

Because we’re terrified of what you’ll do with that power we “lose”.

someone started a private group just for conservatives in the neighborhood so they can share their hate without being shamed (there was a follow-up post about how members shouldn’t be concerned about joining as the membership of the group is hidden)

Look, I get having to cut people off when you have speaking time limits. I chairs meetings that have strict parliamentary procedure and doing that is sometimes necessary. But the way he looked at her after she finished was too much - it was just utter contempt and disgust. Talking 10 seconds over time does not warrant

Absolutely. I will never, ever understand why men are always in positions of power to make decisions about women’s bodies (actually, I do understand why).

On my neighborhood, someone made a bunch of signs welcoming immigrants and offered them to everyone in our Next Door neighborhood. Most people replied with support, the people that didn’t got replies to their replies (“maybe you should post your address so these refugees can come and live with you”) full of

You can tell him what an asshole he is through a link off this page:

Are you guys going to review the ranting press conference Trump is having right now? Hoo-boy what a nut

Fuck Every Goddamned Right Winger. Every. Single. One.

I’m all rage watching that bully smash his table and stare her down.

Wow. I think he illustrates perfectly where the motivation for these bills comes from; a hatred for women’s voices and choices and medical well-being that is based in hatred of women themselves.

You may recall that, in a characteristically audacious move, Trump filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission for his re-election campaign on Inauguration Day.

Haha what? Oh wow, the nerve. Does he get to keep the money if he ends up not running?

Also, someone please tell me there’s going to be a

Another motivation: he gets to claim that the massive horde of protesters waiting for him at the airport are actually attending his rally.

This is busy work, pure and simple. This is teaching your three-year-old how to hammer nails in a block of wood while you build a bookcase. He’s being sent out so the Star Chamber can prepare his next round of appointments and executive orders and not have to worry about him fucking up their plans.

Though her ego would never allow it, I bet Mariah could make more money by writing and producing for other singers now. This single is not gonna be a hit. But maybe it would be if Ariana or whoever else was singing it?