
I would re-engage the principal and note the presence of overt (Trump-branded) items INSIDE the classroom, and see what you get. I still think that it is a garbage response in general, but if it is a double-standard response there is a larger question. Good luck and strength to you!

I’m in school administration, and this response makes me want to SCREAM. Your child’s rights are being violated, and for reasons that are dumb as fuck. If I were you, I’d raise hell. Contact the school board and Superintendent.

What exactly is inappropriate? Is this teacher one of those (stupid) people who thinks politics isn’t appropriate for children?

I’ve never started a post here but I just really needed some support tonight. One of my cats died on Valentine’s Day morning. I was sleeping and I woke up because I heard an odd noise at 6:30 am. It turned out to be her moaning right before she died. I found her behind the curtains by the sliders, just laying on

I sent an email and copied the principal. I also mentioned as some suggested the Supreme Court ruling Tinker Versus Des Moines

Oh, hey — for anybody who hadn’t heard yet, that guy from Utah who was profiled in Big-Time Small-Time Dicks yesterday ended up resigning before the day was over.

Stop ungreying and arguing with trolls. That is all. Happy Saturday everyone.

As Politico notes, Trump is spending his third straight weekend at his Palm Beach resort and “Winter White House” Mar-a-Lago

“But it’s out of context!!!”

For a $100,000 donation, you can have your name on a list of supporters. For $200,000 you get the same benefits, but your name isn’t made public.

Then I guess that’s the answer to “How can they treat the destruction of our country, of ourdemocracy, like it’s a reality show, like it’s entertainment?”

Easy to say. Harder to practice.

Double membership fees. Travel there on weekends at taxpayers expense. Profit.

“Are you watching it? That is why.” Perfect response.

No. CNN was the channel that was on when I turned on the TV to find something else and the rally was just starting.

Are you watching it? That is why.

Why the fuck is CNN showing his campaign rally right now?

“After the story was posted on Saturday morning, White House deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders claimed the remarks were presented out of context, saying the president was merely describing the meetings.” 

Bill Maher refuses to let anyone from BLM on his show but invites MY because he supports ‘free speech’. Bill Maher has been racist and sexist forever but no one blinks an eye or really cares cause he’s a ‘liberal’ white man.

Breaking News: Racist Invites Racist Onto His Television Show.