
This is why I think it is actually Bannon who has something on trump. I mean I knew trump was completely unqualified and incompetent, but I actually don’t think he wanted to destroy all our institutions. He’s not a deep thinker and most likely never even gave them much thought, all he ever cared about was how he could

Does anyone else remember the days long ago (a year or so?) when these kinds of articles were mostly shade on celebrities? Now this reads like a list of apocalyptic stories that are too nonsensical to even read because we’d all be screaming “THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN!” and throw down the book/ereader.

I think showing clips is fine, but none of that bullshit they did during the campaign where they would air his rallies live, uninterrupted.

Look! It’s easy to print and tape on a wall:

Putin played a winning long game here.

By applying pressure towards a Trump presidency he got his wish. Hillary had enough possible baggage to be “doubted” out of character supremacy despite the reality of Trump baggage.

Yup. And I’m trying to not be a dick about it real life. But I’m firm, like with a parent with someone else’s shitty kid. They don’t get a pass. They need to start helping to fix this shit instead of acting like they all of a sudden aren’t interested in politcs. This isn’t politics, motherfucker, it’s governing. And

Exactly. His constant labeling any critical reporting as fake news while proclaiming himself as the only one telling the truth to the people is classic dictatorial tactics. His administration is rapidly eroding democracy right before our eyes.

They also complained about Obama’s EO’s (fewest on average per year for any president of the last 60 years), saying it was too many, meanwhile Trump has issued EO’s almost every day in the last three weeks, like it’s the only thing the president does, despite the fact his party has both the House and the Senate. It’s

Okay, but think about it this way: any protocols that allow them to leak to the press anonymously also allow them to hide information that should be subject to subpoena/FOIA requests, or on the public record. It goes both ways.

This guy has multiple scandals behind him that would normally take someone completely out of the running for a cabinet position. I didn’t even realize this was the same guy who, as Oklahoma AG, was involved in the botched execution there until I saw it on Maddow last night; for entirely political reasons, he pushed

Just stop.

hey, at least he’s not black

I told those dumb motherfuckers I was taking names. And that I would remember who was rooting for him in October 2016. Even if, now that his administration is a horrifying dumpster fire, they’ve gone quiet. I remember.

“We, the taxpayers, had the distinct honor of paying $10 million this month in travel expenses so Donald Trump could sleep in his big boy Florida bed for three weeks in a row. For contrast, Obama only racked up $97 million over eight years. Sad! “

So we’ve reached the paranoid dictator stage of the presidency. That didn’t take long...

GUYS - The story isn’t that Pruitt was confirmed. The story is that Pruitt was confirmed days before there’s going to be a 3000 email dump of his departments communications with Big Oil. He was been withholding public requests for documents illegally for years. A judge demanded he release them and the fucking congress

Not to mention that White House staff are using end-to-end encryption apps to communicate. This is enabling both leaks and secrecy that potentially violate the Federal Records Act.

He’s not allowed to delete this shit. Obama didn’t delete a single tweet, they’re historical records. Also saying that made me throw up.