
Just looked it up, but it seems Flynn is the shortest serving National Security Advisor since the creation of the position in 1953.

I remember the heady days of 1993. My high school class were going to “crash” a dance — a Sr yr tradition — usually “in costume.” I suggested “sunglasses” but the popular girls suggested “indian brave feathers” (head band with feather sticking up at the back). I brought up that this was really appropriation, a form of

Back in Obamaland I would click on maybe one politics post every two days when I felt like I could make a targeted witty comment then peace out for weeks. Now it’s just “I’m gonna scroll through this shitshow of headlines and try not to cry-laugh till I’m hospitalised for dehydration”.

This is based totally on family and acquaintances over the years, but a lot of people here do not give a shit. They’re comfortably uninformed and untouched by the vast majority of it, and I can’t think of anything that would shake them up enough to even passively participate. And by that, I mean even turning on the

I know they could never outright say “Hey we’re keeping intelligence from the President because we believe he’s a Russian plant”. I guess they had to put out the letter I saw denying it. I feel like I’m living in crazy town every day. Hello neighbor!

Let’s take the word “racist” out of this conversation. This photo shoot is “cultural appropriation.” Cultural appropriation is NOT any and all cultural borrowing. It is cultural borrowing that takes place within a context where one culture dominates another. In this case we are talking about the culture of New York

You have to sandwich it in with a lot of benign stuff so it won’t be conspicuous.

I would love it if the intelligence services planted a false piece of intel in the daily brief, something really juicy, just to see if it got back to Putin. You know that Trump wouldn’t be able to resist sharing something like that. I mean, it would be really perfect, wouldn’t it? Because then you would know that the

For clarity, they will NOT impeach! Republicans don’t want that stain on their reputation; and they won’t go after any of their own. Period.

And now the Office of the Director of National Intelligence is denying this story. I hope they’re lying to make Dump happy.

Its amazing to watch a total collapse of your own government. Not only the endless scandal, conflicting stories and total distrust at top levels but the total refusal of some people to even acknowledge ANYTHING is wrong (Give him a chance!)

The scandal is truly that the American people found out about it.

Jesus fucking christ. How much more has to happen before you guys can get rid of this slimy, stale, orange piece of reeking garbage?????

thank you

Um. Shouldn’t the ire be directed at Vogue and their photographer and art director who developed this concept rather than not Kylie.? Yes she could have said NOPE but the people at the magazine who thought this was a good idea should get the brunt of the ire.

Nah they had just as many huge serious or sad movies then. Catharsis works for lots of people. Though I have zero interest in this show, sometimes you need something to cry to.

Watch Santa Clarita Diet, it has a few of your requirements.

During times of great upheaval, like The Great Depression and WWII, don’t people prefer light, frivolous entertainment? Just like during the crash of the 1930's, what we need now is musicals, romantic comedies, uplifting music, weed and harcore porn, not this depressing bullshit.

My parents watched it. They said “Wow, it was really good, but it was really hard to watch.”