
“I’m not saying white people aren’t racist - it’s just that we’ve been taught for decades that racism is super impolite.”

Yeah... kinda what I was thinking, but the documentary may prove me wrong.

I feel they have different methods of working towards the same thing. It really sucks to see people on the same side fighting and dividing up their side and putting each other down.

Um yeah. Internalized racism has a strong hold over him.

I wonder if he told any of the Klan members they were worthless because they were drop outs? Hmmm...

I understand that, but he essentially told them their views were worthless because the were drop outs. I find that telling.

Oh, absolutely. A lot of things that work well at the micro level don’t scale at all. And I would never advocate what he’s doing as a policy or as something that others need to do. If he wants to continue doing it and others want to do it too, good for them.

That’s what struck me as well: each in their own way is participating in a critical component of this movement.

I think Davis’ approach works best for white people who’ve never really been around a black person. My elementary school had like one black kid, and my middle school had none. So while we read about MLK and Ruby Bridges (and yes, it is weird to read about her while in an almost entirely white school) black people

The best part of that was that he wanted a thank you on behalf of dead white people who ended slavery but he refused to accept any responsibility on behalf of dead white people who enslaved people.

It reminds a little bit of the idea behind Germany’s Rent-a-Jew program, basically just introducing people to people for a minority group and connecting on a human level. We need more of that in the US, and someone much more patient than me should do it.

I watched this last night and was fascinated. I was also struck by how he seemed to have more patience with the the KKK members than with other black men. He was playing respectability politics with Rose and was completely unwilling to listen to Rose’s POV. And that made Rose unwilling to listen to him

they’re acting like they’re busting through a wall like the kool-aid guy, “OH YEAH, WE’RE MAKING HISTORY” but it’s not like they haven’t had 15 years/33 seasons to MAKE THIS CHOICE!

Right. Y’all don’t get cookies for basic human decency and common ass sense.

I’m not giving them any cookies cause really 33 seasons but I’m happy because I already know all the racist fans of the show are pissed and that brings me joy

How is she a gold-digger? Especially when she’ll be the one being pursued? Are you talking about her prospective suitors?

As a fan of Joe Schmoe Show, Flavor of Love, I Love New York, and Burning Love, hate-watcher of Unreal, and confirmed black woman, I must say: good for her. Maybe I’ll actually tune in for the first time.

For real. They’re both whiny little bitches. Nick would have never been able to land a woman as awesome as Rachel in the real world.

This is so great, but I wonder why they chose to announce this when I would’ve picked her to be the winner this season (although Nick is no prize). I really think Nick is going to pick Corrine. They deserve each other.
