
My first thoughts were for the pets being left behind.

I’m not really a cat person, but I appreciate your dedication to your beastie. She’s a lucky kitty.

It’s a perfectly valid call on your part. I wasn’t slighted.

After watching the evacuations from a big fire last year I starting thinking about whether I should have some sort of emergency kit prepared for my cat. In the end after my imaginary emergency kit got way too heavy to practically grab quickly, I decided most things could be purchased after leaving our area and my

That’s horrible! Are they really going to leave them to die there?

It’s not exactly accurate that they only got an hour’s warning—locals have been talking about this possibility for at least a week. This shouldn’t have come as a surprise. Additionally, things are stable today—I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that people are being allowed to go back in for things or pets they couldn’t

he literally said “the judiciary isn’t supreme”

The heartbreaking story of the morning on NPR was about a woman and her bedridden sister who could not evacuate and there were no ambulances to send them. I hope none of these 200,000 lose their homes.

Thing is, the areas at risk are among the reddest portions of the state and most of these people voted Trump. So if he gives them finger, there’s going to be a backlash he won’t like.

Animal shelters and other places were stepping up to help people with pets.

I’m from the area, and my facebook feed was full of local animal hospitals and kennels offering to take evacuee animals for free. This is what makes America great.


Gov. Brown requested disaster declaration last week ... and he’s still waiting.

I don’t trust Republicans.

It wasn’t a typo, that’s why it was in quotes. Trump himself made this error a while back in a typically bombastic tweet.

They’re all drops in the bucket. Humor by itself won’t be doing anything, but combined with protests, voting, town halls, running for office, divestment, boycotts, and community, it seriously might. Besides, as someone who has been attending at least one protest a week, I appreciate being able to laugh along with John

Since they are a donor state, they could ask for the money and if he says no they could just go “OK, I guess we will divert some of this money we were going to send in to the Fed to fix it.”

If FEMA has to get involved you can bet your ass Trump will politicize it.

The question for this is, will it lead to a confrontation with 45? If federal aid become needed, will 45 withhold them because Cali has been giving him the finger? Will he try to force them to make deals to get the funds?

I realize that this event is due to an “unpresidented” volume of rainfall, but I’m curious if the president will tweet more about this than Ivanka’s clothing line getting dumped or less.