
They evacuated about half of the fish at the Feather River Fish Hatchery. Most of the remaining fish will probably be okay, as long as the dam or the spillways don’t fail.

Ooh, found it:

And apparently, he got debriefed on the NK missile test IN THE FUCKING RESTAURANT with dozens of people within ear shot. But at least he didn’t use a private email server!

It’s situations like this that make me question the survivalists...I mean, really: do you want to be around for that clusterfuck? I figure I’m close enough to SF that I can go outside and get an instant killer tan, milliseconds before I turn into a standing pile of ash that’s blown away by the shock wave...

Some thoughts:

He’s worse. My niece is in that age group, and although she has all those traits, she’s also fascinated by the world around her and quite willing to copy others who she sees doing work. She also understands sharing and saying sorry when you’re wrong. If he had even that, he’d be a marginally better president.

I’m still processing the BS that was Lemonade not winning record or album of the year.

In addition to the above, apparently the cia doesn’t trust the current administration with Russian intel because they suspect the executive branch is compromised. Let that sink in...

From the current news it sounds they have it under control for the night, lowering the level of the lake by about 4 inches every hour. Then I guess tomorrow they will see if the hole in the hillside at the aux spillway already leaks water and either way try to fill it up.

Beyoncé wins “best urban contemporary [black] album” and Adele wins “best [white] album”..........................

I was reading that other story tonight about Prime Minister Abe and the Korean Missile test wherein Trump and his folk were spreading classified documents across the dinner table, using cell phone light to illuminate them (provided by Bannon and at least one other person) and the waiters just sort of came and went

this new reboot of the west wing sucks

I feel like the most important question to ask when vetting people for the National Security Council is “Are you actively trying to bring about World War III?”

La da da da da

One anonymous official tells the Times, “The president likes maps.”

And, Cheeto Hitler still has not responded to requests for Federal Disaster Relief. Because he’s like The Shrub II, The Dumbening! 

I live in the area(not the flood impacted area) and work in the hydroelectric industry(but not for DWR).

So in only two weeks Trump has ruined a dam built in the Kennedy Administration? Well, when California secedes they’ll fix it likety-split.

Man, it would suck if we had an aging infrastructure increasingly more hard- pressed to handle the stress of more severe and frequent extreme weather events caused by a changing climate if that was a thing and not just a librul myth. Luckily, Dear Leader Drumpf and the One Percenter People’s Party assure me that we

Lake Oroville is currently at 100.1% of capacity. They just increased the release through the main spillway to 113,000 cubic feet/sec, up from 100,000 cfs. The goal is to lower the lake level to below 100% so that water stops spilling over the aux spillway and engineers can get in there and assess the damage, in