Ooh, found it:
Ooh, found it:
And apparently, he got debriefed on the NK missile test IN THE FUCKING RESTAURANT with dozens of people within ear shot. But at least he didn’t use a private email server!
It’s situations like this that make me question the survivalists...I mean, really: do you want to be around for that clusterfuck? I figure I’m close enough to SF that I can go outside and get an instant killer tan, milliseconds before I turn into a standing pile of ash that’s blown away by the shock wave...
Some thoughts:
He’s worse. My niece is in that age group, and although she has all those traits, she’s also fascinated by the world around her and quite willing to copy others who she sees doing work. She also understands sharing and saying sorry when you’re wrong. If he had even that, he’d be a marginally better president.
I’m still processing the BS that was Lemonade not winning record or album of the year.
In addition to the above, apparently the cia doesn’t trust the current administration with Russian intel because they suspect the executive branch is compromised. Let that sink in...
Maybe hire doubles of Fox anchors, and broadcast in Trump’s TV a special edition with the orders he should give.
Beyoncé wins “best urban contemporary [black] album” and Adele wins “best [white] album”..........................
I was reading that other story tonight about Prime Minister Abe and the Korean Missile test wherein Trump and his folk were spreading classified documents across the dinner table, using cell phone light to illuminate them (provided by Bannon and at least one other person) and the waiters just sort of came and went…
Especially since nothing suggests he’s supplementing information in other ways. We’ve had effective presidents who’ve preferred to get much of their information in verbal briefings, and I’m sure we’ve had others who’ve found text with images more helpful than plain text. But you know that with Trump, that’s all the…
this new reboot of the west wing sucks
I feel like the most important question to ask when vetting people for the National Security Council is “Are you actively trying to bring about World War III?”
La da da da da
One anonymous official tells the Times, “The president likes maps.”
“Trump does not care to read more than a single page, and he wants that page to be littered with images and maps.”
She could have tried to uncomfortably muddle through the rest of the song, but she chose to go back and start fresh even if it meant possibly being ridiculed on the internet by nobodies. I really admire that. And I think George Michael probably thought the tribute was awesome and loved the arrangement of Fastlove.
I’m so confused about United’s roll. I find it odd that a woman so in distress would make it that far into the process of possibly having taken off had she not said anything.