
You stop. Everyone makes mistakes, why be such an asshole about it?

ok ugh i hate that that is such a good point! i just wish the lawsuit wasn’t being spearheaded by a guy who used the app to cheat on his wife. why you gotta be so reasonable, grumpstomer.

I thought it said he did log off? In any case, don’t fucking use *your wife’s phone* to conduct your affair. If you do, you’re begging to get caught and have no one to blame but your own carelessness.

ngl i read though as thought. but you can also take ur tone away now byeeeeeeeeeeee


Looking at these fashions in the context of our political environment, I realize we now live in the Hunger Games.

I felt a great disturbance in the Education System, as if millions of teachers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened...

I’ve thought from the beginning that it would be ridicule and laughter that would slay this particular beast.

Jesus H Christ, I hope she doesn’t (and I voted for her). She has too much baggage. She is not a slam dunk candiate and the Democrats need to learn from their mistakes. Run someone young and without years of intrigue behind him/her. Run someone like Obama that will get people excited to vote.

I shop at Kmart. I grew up poor as mud, and even though I’m doing aight now, I’m still gonna get my cat food and $10 hoodies there.

This is really interesting, because corporations are not moral actors. I’ve been paying attention to commercials (sociology major, can’t help it), and I’ve noticed that advertisers are still using same-sex and interracial couple and families and gender bending in their commercials. That’s really significant to me, it

The family needs to walk away from the White House while they still have a brand. This use of the presidency to make a quick buck is backfiring. Sure, they are charging the government to rent out Trump Towers. But does anyone here have a single doubt that the moment Trump leaves the White House be it through choice or

I DO NOT, WILL NOT, give any person I know a “pass” on ANY of this shit for how they voted.

A friend of mine thinks all federal regulations should be done away with and each state should be able to pass whatever regulations they wish. Anyone who does not like the rules in the state in which he or she resides is free to move to another that has different laws. He calls himself a libertarian but he is a

They won’t. Yet.

This gif is everything!

One of my favorite aspects of this week’s Spicer sketch (besides the freaking Segway podium, omg, lol) was how it directly responded to real Spicer’s commentary that McCarthy needed to calm down and she used too much gum. Enter “calmed down” Spicey and the comically oversized single piece of gum with “I’ve been told I

“Is this a commentary on his fragile masculinity” was such the perfect jab.

“I want one day without a CNN alert that doesn’t scare the hell out of me.”

I’m not looking forward to speaking to my parents about this. I recently moved them to TX from NY (don’t ask why, suffice it to say to get away from the cold and I can be able to care from them). As former illegals who became naturalized citizens under Reagan, they’ve been watching the recent news with growing fear. I