
Because Ag labor is skilled labor, not something that a bunch of desperate, out of work suburbanites can learn in an afternoon.

“I couldn’t find anything that made Bowling Green sound scarier.”

I hate to break it to you but...they don’t give two shits about any of those things. Republicans are focused on a singular goal and that is to make sure that the very rich pay very little in taxes. The rest of it is just misdirection.

I went to Fresno for a wedding (ceremony was in Carmel) and the whole drive all we saw were Trump signs.

I saw that earlier today, and I nearly flipped off my phone. That’s how pissed I was at their stupidity.

Check out the stupidity of this.

. . . the President said “The wall is getting designed right now. A lot of people say, oh, oh, Trump was only kidding with the wall. I wasn’t kidding. I don’t kid. I don’t kid.”

A lot of people in the reality-based community were relieved when he was chosen. Mattis is seen as a voice of reason in Trump’s foreign policy circle, a pragmatic who rejects torture as ineffective, believes that the best way to fight terrorism is to enlist Muslims as allies and treat them with respect and decency,

Could almost be written as 3 million-0.

How do you guys still not understand shade? This is blatant, in your face trash talk. It is NOT shade. Shade is ‘did I just get insulted? I’m not sure.’

Girl, hold my scales.

god now that is how to tweet. This is as good as “Delete your account.”

Quiet, but deadly, that woman


shade and burn

u mad bro?

So simple. So brutal.

I thought there was something familiar with Trump’s “WINNING!” discourse and realized it’s the type of word choice Charlie Sheen was using when he was having his meltdown a few years ago. Tiger blood and dragon fists may be coming next from the WH’s new resident.

Avoiding VD in the 70s was his personal Vietnam.