
Spicer handled it right. It’s never a good idea to show everyone that a comedian’s skewering of you gets under your skin. You either need to pretend you’re in on the joke or ignore it. It will never not baffle me how poorly Trump has learned this lesson.

Nah that’s too easy. Steve Bannon should be played by someone who is Jewish though.

Kimberley is, according to “her” comment history, a progressive liberal who’s had three abortions, minored in climate science at an Ivy league school and, managed to get stuck in Yemen during the recent immigration ban.

Lord, how can you breathe with all the pearl clutching?

Right? I would take 8 more years of Dubya over another week of this buffoon...

He makes Dubya look like a fucking Rhodes scholar. This is the same Dubya who didn’t know how to put on his rain poncho at the inauguration.

When someone starts screaming that they’re the boss and people need to listen to them, it really makes me start questioning how in control of things they really are.

I was gonna say... did this fucking moron just call SNL, a live comedy skit show, “Fake News”?

While I don’t want president Candy Corn fucking things up with our closest allies because he cannot open up his giant orange yap without being offensive, I kind of love the idea of him settling in for an evening of seeing himself ripped limb from limb on British Telly. Also I’d like to see his reaction when insulted

Please roast his ass with no mercy.

Have SO MUCH FUN. Seriously.

British person here. We are pretty much rubbing our hands together with glee at the prospect of a Trump visit. Every comedy show is endlessly mocking him and even the newscasters are saying things like”we tried to find someone who supports Trump but we couldn’t find anyone” (this happened twice just in a week). He is

I’m a US citizen here in the UK. The Queen loved the Obamas. She actually asked if they would come back. Michelle did break protocol by hugging the Queen, but HRH never flinched and also hugged her back. That never happens.

I’d also like a case of jelly babies, please. Since we’re putting in orders!

with Brexit in the works, it is advantageous for Britain to settle a trade deal with America.

Thank god my life has not reached such a low.

But noooooo no no no no no never that guy. I will admit to middle school days of being an Orlando Bloom fangirl but even I’m not depraved enough to go for Mayer.

For a second I forgot she was dating someone other than John Mayer, and I was going to remind you that YOU CAN DO BETTER*

I didn’t used to think twice about Katy Perry but after all the work she’s done, putting her money where her mouth is, and dating my all-time dream boyfriend - I gotta say I kinda want to buy her a drink. You go girl.

She’s gone blonde, by the way. I think it suits her.