
And this is the thing I HATE about America, that we don’t mercilessly shame people for begin stupid or ignorant. People should feel embarrassed to be ignorant in this country. Instead, they are proud of it, they embrace it, they wallow in it, that call intelligent or educated or informed people who can articulate

So I guess Clinton’s assessment of “trumped-up trickle-down” is no longer such a bad-mom-joke matter, eh kids? Because she fucking PEGGED IT with that phrase.

That Trump is anti-abortion is the most hilarious hypocrisy, because you just fucking KNOW he’s paid for more abortions than he can count on his stubby little fingers (and the stubby little fingers of his sons).

Listening to a few of them I know, I don’t think any of them ever expected much from Trump. He was more of a middle finger to us the the Left broadly than anything.

Many if not most of the Trump voters are Republican voters who were not going to vote for another party, no matter who the candidate was. They are passionately tied to the issues of abortion and gun control and the vague idea of “less government.” I think many of them now would shrug and say they’re not particularly

Exactly. Many people can’t think that critically or are too stubborn to ever admit they made a mistake. They’ll either convince themselves that all of this is really good for them, or they’ll just find another reason to continue supporting him.

Never underestimate the ignorance of the herd. My super is a Trump supporter (and an Hispanic immigrant, go figure). He only hears sound bites and does no independent reading. His reaction to the Muslim ban was that Trump is only trying to keep up safe. I rolled my eyes so hard. The sad thing is that he truly believes

It’s normal. It shows the market test went better than expected and they now know they can get away with flat-out saying, “We gave you little people your Muslim ban and your anti-abortion crumbs. Now it’s business as usual for billionaires.”

I dunno, he was fulfilling campaign promises a week ago. Shitty, racist and economically disastrous promises but still. This one is just flat out him no longer caring to play the game. He literally said “I’m changing this law for the financial benefit of my friends”. This is not normal.

He’ll almost certainly never get fired. Being bad at communicating is perfect, because when he fucks up, we all have to spend days trying to figure out exactly what the fuck he meant to say and what the truth is, which takes all the pressure off of Trump.

The thing is, you can’t fire him without having a replacement in mind. And that replacement has to be someone spineless enough to work for Trump and toe the party line on issues big and small, and more talented than Spicer. I’m guessing that’s a pretty small pool of applicants.

He always looks like in a back room his family being held hostage and if he doesn’t convince the press to agree with his boss his youngest child is going to take the first bullet. Just sweaty and shifty and way too desperate.

I mean, he really really is. I can’t tell if he’s just bad under pressure or legit incompetent.

Wanna start a pool on when he’ll be fired? I’m going to give it 2 more weeks. Holy moly he’s bad at this whole “communication” thing.

Budget was only $65M and they cleared more than $200M, IIRC, so it did really well. But, yes, it should’ve made more — it was wayyyy better than my expectations.


THIS. Maybe the reporter assumed that you, I dunno, knew how to express yourself properly like an adult? With the words you intended to use? Gotcha! Journalism at its finest.

Also Obama ordering re-vetting is different from a complete ban. How do these people not realize that?

Wait. Why the fuck should a reporter have to ask her WHAT SHE MEANT? Is she not in charge of her own fucking words? Does she not have control over how she forms sentences? I am so goddamn tired of these people I have no fucking clue how I’m gonna make it 4 years without losing my goddamn mind over the hypocrisy.