
I’m so glad you mentioned Reagan. I can remember when people of my former party said he was the greatest president of all time. People who now cannot believe what has happened to their party. Well, let’s see. When you capitulate to the lowest common denominator and give a voice to the “Moral Majority”, you create a

She went with him because he needs a carer, in case he’s out the house when his amphetamine-induced dementia sun-downing begins.

Asshole said this after the attacks of September 11th, 2001:

Not sure how old you are but the day I decided to switch from Republican to Democrat was after Jerry Falwell, telemarketer for Jesus/liar/fraud/supporter of apartheid/gay hater/notorious philanderer, managed to rope high ranking GOP officials in to his clutches and was given a seat at the table. A man so bereft of

I used to be a Republican. I had a narrow view of life and was young, only listening to what my parents had taught me. I grew up and learned.

I am happy to have you both on side. It’s clearly correct that we need to embrace our new allies, as a matter of political logic, but I’m still so fucking mad at them. Let’s rein it in and accept this short-sited fuckwit, and argue with her when/if we’ve all saved the world together.

I think you ignore regional differences. Hawaii had a republican governor from 2002-2010 who was probably to the left of many mainland “blue dog” democrats. Pro-choice, socially fairly moderate; I was not a fan, and had I still lived there I would have voted against her, but she was not cut from the same cloth as

Yeah we’re all angry dude. But tarring and feathering the defectors isn’t going to win us any new allies. Better to show support when someone crosses that line so we can encourage others to do the same rather than see them quietly go along with their crowd.

“the face of Republicanism as it should be, but it won’t be any more.”

Trump vetoing a non-partisan bill that is intended solely for the security of this nation will be far more damaging to his future political career and sets up the Republicans to turn against him, much more than anything he has done to date.

And then we can start in on him being Putin’s Puppet. He’ll bend over backwards to stop that talk. Look how he reacted to Hillary calling him that during the debates. That hit home, cause it was true and cause of his ego.

Don’t forget that after the French Revolution, Frenchmen told women to “go home” and went back to treating them as second class citizens.

You fall into that old classic in which you assume the state of Israel is synonymous with being Jewish. You guys are the same people who conflate any criticism of the state of Israel with anti-semitism. You’re wrong during those arguments and you’re wrong in your reply. There are plenty of people of Jewish heritage

No problem! And I’m from California — we also like to take credit for everything good! But when it comes to public office, we ‘gave’ the rest of the nation Reagan, Nixon, and Schwarzenegger. So, uh, mixed record to say the least.

Sorry jinni. Like everyone else this whole nightmare has me hanging by my fingernails. I think I was trying to say that there are actually places that are just as bad as Florida. Hell, Reagan was born here too and THAT was truly a Monstrous beginning. If only we’d had social media then.

Worse than that. He has compared himself to Thomas Cromwell. I would say that is damn bad since he pretty much fucked a ton of people before getting his head cut off.

Rasputin only fucked Tzarinas.

Democrats should make this a thing. Remind everyone, night and day, that Steve Bannon is a white supremacist. Remind everyone exactly what the implications of that are. Don’t sugar-coat it, don’t sex it up or couch in polite terms, just remind everyone what it was like for non-white people during the 1950s when you

Absent their ability to actually stop Trump’s nominees, this is the best the Dems can do right now - to keep tabs on him, to call him out on stuff like this, and to keep the American public informed. This bill has absolutely no shot at becoming law, but I suspect she knows that - that’s not the point. She’s forcing it

She has a husband and two kids. She’s also a refugee; one of the boat people who left Vietnam in 1979 when she was 6 months old. I imagine Trump’s immigration policies in the last few days hit especially close to home for her.

Trump: “Can she DO that??” Bannon: “Yes, but don’t worry, I will tell you to veto it.”