
You don’t show up to protest his rallies, because that’s exactly why he’s doing it. His whole schtick is to provoke and provoke until he gets a reaction, then he cries his crocodile tears over freeze peach, and then rinse and repeat. Without that, he’s just some asshole spouting off ridiculous nonsense. 

Take a page from the alt-right’s book: dox the College Republicans organizers and set up protests at their parents’ houses and workplaces.

Counterpoint: trolls thrive on conflict and getting a reaction, and so resorting to violence and/or vandalism as protest is giving him exactly what he wants. The entire scheme is to poke the bear and get people angry enough to provoke physical retaliation, and then say “oh look how violent these ‘tolerant’ leftists

I thought the same thing... you invited what to Berkeley, and didnt think it would be an issue? Course I was surprised to hear there Republicans at the school in general!

I’m sure the College Republicans who invited him are thrilled that this happened, because it lets them continue to wallow in their persecution complex.

We should just agree to disagree that the non-white races are inferior and must be purged. Is that asking too much in the name of civilized discourse?

Since Jez didn’t cover his Seattle stop, FYI an anti-fa who was actively working to de-escalate tensions with protesters and MAGA-Nazis WAS SHOT by a MAGA bro who then went to police and turned himself in and then was RELEASED by the police immediately afterwards. http://patch.com/washington/seattle/man-who-shot-milo-y

You invite a nazi to Berkeley and you don’t see this coming?! In any climate, let alone this one?!

My mom, who is 77, recently came to my house for Christmas (I hosted the whole family) and showed up with a gallon of white vinegar and a box of baking soda for all the cleaning.

I’ve been divorced for five years and was married for 15. My pillow pre-dates the marriage.

The right loved to bitch about how expensive the Obama’s vacations were, but are strangely silent about the fact that it’s going to cost far more for the Trump “family” to stay home in their gilded tower.

Can you imagine the collective Republican shit-fit that would have been thrown if we were spending $1million/day protecting OBAMA’S family in Chicago? There would have been a congressional fucking panel convened, and an investigation and shit. The hypocrites astound me.

In all fairness, it WOULD be nice if we could adjust things so that inauguration day was in the late summer or something so that kids could finish the school year, rather than having to be completely uprooted in every way, shape, and form in the middle of a school year. I don’t blame parents for wanting to help their

So, to Michelle, being with their dad was more important than finishing the school year. This makes sense. I get this. Family is super important in managing something as stressful as suddenly becoming very, very famous.

It’s because the GOP hates opinionated, empowered women way more than they care about ideological consistency.

This. It’s going to cost us a million dollars a day because she doesn’t want to move and it’s the Obamas that are elitist.

I’d sit here trying to come up with reasons for their contradictory attitudes about this but I’m afraid I’d ... black out.

It’s sort of interesting to contrast this situation to the Obamas. As Jodi Kantor reported in her book on Barack and Michelle, Michelle at first wanted to stay with Sasha and Malia in Chicago, at least in the short term.

Of all the reasons to hate politics, the hypocrisy of the right on our current and last first ladies is right up there. Melania is on the cover of Vanity Fair eating diamonds and won’t move to DC yet it’s crickets on her because the left is too nice and the right doesn’t care. Michelle Obama asks kids to eat healthy