
And this is why I love this site so much. That “Duggar look” was the first thing I noticed and it gave me the creeps. Then I start to wonder....am I just weird that I never look at my husband like that? And then I come here and find I am not alone. {hugs }

My father was on a ventilator, and could have lived weeks, but did not want to suffer any longer. His palliative care specialist talked with him and they developed a plan. My father was weaned off his ventilator and given drugs to keep him comfortable. He died peacefully, the way he wanted.

Lawrence O’Donnell is talking about him now.

Look, we’re all adults here, and I hate to burst your bubble, but advanced education more frequently than not has more to do with access to significant funds and social standing (whether your parents attended college or graduate school, your race, where you live, etc.)

How pathetic is it that we have to be relieved that Trump only appointed a garden variety right-wing nutjob, not a neo-Nazi nutjob?

Often times an Ivy League education is a signifier of a well connected family and a large donation.

Educated and intelligent are not actually the same thing, and automatically being impressed by someone because of their education credentials is flatly no-better than castigating someone for having none.

Ben Carson, for example, went to Yale and is a celebrated neurosurgeon.

He is also an idiot.

Barack and the Dems legitimately thought that either 1. The GOP wouldn’t pull the stall shit for nearly a year, let alone against a judge who, by all measures, was Conservative-leaning and from a conservative state (Utah) and/or 2. Hillary would soundly beat Trump (by the time Scalia won, it was clear Trump would be

It’s absolutely an act. When they did the interview re: Josh Duggar’s “indiscretions” her true feelings occasionally, and briefly, broke through on her face while Jim Bob was talking, and you could tell she knew he was lying and was super embarrassed,and a bit angry about it. I mean, I think she’s brainwashed, but

I actually think he went the FB route is because his little feelings couldn’t take bad ratings if everyone tuned out and I do think a lot would have tuned out.

Rachel Maddow is reporting this right now.

This actually appears to be strategy from the administration (dear god, they’re evolving!!!). Excellent credentials with shitty opinions and far too young for Democrats to stomach. Dems will oppose and Republicans get to play the “look how partisan they are? Not even considering this qualified candidate? How

It’s the “I’m fulfilling my role” look that I see in a lot of fundies.

Maybe I’m an eternal optimist but I just NEED to believe that this vacant look of pure devotion is a con and not geniune brainwashing...

I came here to comment on the very same thing. That’s the Duggar look of female oppression. It’s so fucking creepy.

I know. It makes me pissed he is so young. It was deliberate.

I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, but damn that gives me the creeps.

In SCOTUS years he’s like 12 so we have a long way to go

Ladies and Gentlemen, your potential new SCOTUS Justice: