
I do understand. It was just a mistake: I meant Melania, not “Ivana”, which also was misspelled, it is “Ivanka”. It didn’t changes the overall point.

Trump, and Republicans in general, will never give a PoC, a woman, a homosexual, trans, queer, or person practicing a different faith anything. They will not give you fair treatment under the law. They will not give you your civil rights. They will not give you your dignity. This “demand” and “asking” bullshit is so

Trump’s mother was an illegal immigrant. Of course it’s ok when white people do it.

Exactly this. I am so fucking bloody sick of Democrats being pushed around and playing nice. FUCK THIS SHIT! Democrats need to start acting like ASSHOLES now like Repubs have been for the past 16 years. Time for Democrats to declare war, raise hell and do everything in their power to drag the Trumps.

Why? She campaigned with him and supported him. She helped spread the birther lie.

“Getting Trump by going after his wife is pretty shameless.”

Thing is, Trump doesn’t give a damn about her. He’d probably be relieved at this point if she were deported. He has no fucking shame.

You know, every time online someone has said “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!” I have rolled my eyes, because despite loving Zoolander, nothing that actually weird is going on.

I agree. This is low-level trolling and it’s going to cause more problems. Trump WANTS the Opposition to pull shit like this. We can’t fight him on his level.

I’m tired of the “poor Melania” BS. I’m all for dragging her.


I completely wanted backhand bitch slap her over that BS. She is the worst of the worst and it pisses me off that liberals paint such a sympathetic picture of this frozen woman.

When they go low, dredge the earth beneath them.

fucking WORD

THIS. THIS. THIS. When they go low, dredge the earth beneath them. The high road got us exactly here. I’m putting razor blades in my braids. Let’s dance motherfuckers.

I saw this somewhere recently... its like the Dems and GOP were playing chinese checkers. And then the GOP lit the house on fire, but the Dems are still trying to finish the game.

Why is nobody bringing up Qaddafi’s 2009 UN visit, when he literally camped out on an estate owned by Donald J. Trump?

Ha!! We lost the high-ground long ago. It is now impossible for anyone to take the high ground and expect any sort of support, doesn’t matter which “side” you are.

Is this catching them being hypocritical or just being hypocritical by copying their birther nonsense? I feel like it will depend on what side of the aisle people are on, or which cable network they watch. Is it worth it to lose the high ground? I honestly don’t know... but it is nice to have it. :/

Bu, but she’s soooo classy! Michelle could never pull off a Vanity Fair cover like this (because she’d of been raked over the coals by the GOP for being out of touch with “average Americans” like when President Obama talked about Arugula).