
You speak of a very sad yet time tested truth: There’s no tyranny like petty tyranny.

When the revolt comes, they better remember two words:

I don’t know if we’ll ever be OK, but as long as your Dad keeps his ammo separate from the gun and locked up, I think he’s making a fine choice. I used to be really anti-gun, but now, if a person is sensible and follows all safety precautions, my stance is loosening.

“For the first time in his presidency, Donald Trump is facing significant criticism from Republican officials and conservative groups”

They can keep hoping. This thing is already bigger than the tea party. And the organization is happening right now. The was an article in one of the dailies here in Michigan a few days ago about members of the Michigan contigent of the March already talking of dividing the state into 14 districts and doing activist

They’re hoping the pushback wears itself out or is too disorganized to do much.

Hell, absolute power absolutely rocks! They know they won’t get in trouble, so it’s balls out!

Yup. Those kids are citizens. Some lawyer will probably be very happy to take their case.

So I thought this was a joke, but apparently it wasn’t. I used the wayback machine and it looks like the judiciary branch never made to cut for the new site. Crazy.

...while tens of thousands of people gather in spontaneous protest across the country.

Constitutional crisis being served up as we speak I am sure. The judiciary will be the next target of his bread and circuses crusade.

My dad bought a gun. He said it was the first time he’s held one since the late 70's, but his aim wasn’t too bad. He’s been crying on the couch off and on since the election. He’s 61. He was a lifelong Republican until they started running down his precious Union. He voted for Obama twice. He voted for Hillary even

Yes they did. That was a celebratory gesture.

This shit is so fucking disgusting. I’m in tears and mad as hell. I was born in Germany to a black military dad. Am i next? Who is next?! Because this is literally the first step to weed out dissent. Outspoken people like me that only has paperwork from the state department as my proof of birth as a citizen? I’m

This is how nightmarish prison bureaucracies took shape in the 20th century under Stalin, Hitler, etc. Confused lower-level officials just trying to do their jobs and satisfy an absurd system. Over time the system gets more absurd and tyrannical, and the officials become more cruel, and the insanity of the whole thing

“I feel these stories should be tagged #RepublicanFamilyValues and/or #TrumpFamilyValues”

They probably either want to look good to the new boss and/or can’t leave until they are done.

I’m fairly certain that by the time the dust settles, this bullshit is going to cost the federal government millions of dollars in civil suits. It breaks my heart that people are probably going to die waiting in legal limbo before then though.

The disturbing, unwritten part of this story, is that ICE agents seem to be doing their job with excessive gusto, intimidation, and cruelty, rather than any sense of caution. This compliance by the rank and file is how tyrants steamroll a society into submission.

The Orange One is making these law abiding people go without food for 20 hours when he can’t go 20 hours without a badly worded tweet.