
She plays into all of that. They’re all soulless and only care about money and power.

Considering how vile this guy is it always shocks me when people ( esp. those who are otherwise enlightened about social justice for other marginalized groups), go directly to disparaging him because he is fat. Bannon is rumoured to be anti-Semitic, has been called a “nightmare” and a “terrifying man” by Glenn

I doubt he wrote the statement. I’m willing to believe Trump and his family don’t hate Jews or want to offend or endanger them, just that they don’t really care enough not to. And with Bannon writing Trump’s statements and speeches, he’ll say offensive an even dangerous things. I wouldn’t be surprised if it never

You guys realize they’re playing #allLivesMatter with the goddamn Holocaust, right?

All these ignorant fools are jumping on this, “Not just Jews” bandwagon like they actually give a crap about any of those other, “innocent victims”. Looking at the other groups I’m going to say they hate them as well. But they hate Jewish people more.

It’s Bannon. Bannon could never in a million years allow the Jews to be mentioned in that statement because he hates Jewish people. He is targeting the Muslims first and then he will go after the Jews next.

“priests, gypsies, people with mental or physical disabilities, communists, trade unionists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Poles and other Slavic peoples, and resistance fighters”

The reason they removed any mention of “Jews” is because Steve Bannon wrote it. He was obsessed with how many Jewish classmates his daughter had at her school and the number of Hannuka books in the library.

I mostly agree with you...but I DO have to wonder how my mom’s siblings & cousins who flood my newsfeed about Catholicism/the Pope—and who are rabid Trumpsters—will make heads or tails of his. I imagine, sadly, it might just be {crickets}...


True. But it was only a week ago.

This is a Muslim ban. There is literally NO objective reasoning behind this probably unconstitutional executive order. It’s not counter terror. It’s not security. It’s pandering to racists that are his base.

“To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting,” it read. “This is not about religion—this is about terror and keeping our country safe.

Now playing

God, it is sad the Red Scare-era quotes are still so relevant, but:

In theory, sure. But in practice, how many CBP agents do you think can name more than two of amendments two the Constitution, let alone demonstrate a working knowledge of the entire document and its interpretation? Furthermore, as much as we claim it to be, the Constitution is not the supreme law of the land. We have

Today idiot Kellyanne said, journalists who criticize Trmup should resign. I cant even.

The judicial stay is on removal, not detention. CBP can detain these individuals without violating the order.

unfortunately the people playing him are his advisors - not anyone remotely suited to the job. his advisors are making it so that trump is completely isolated and so they can control him.

I thought we all agreed last night that Court’s ruling was a stay of removal only, and not an order to release all the people being detained. As long as they don’t remove them from the U.S., they aren’t violating the order. The order is temporary and the Court is waiting until it can hear full arguments from both