
You clearly didn’t read her entire post. Dude was trying to GET INTO HER HOUSE after the cops let him go. Are you seriously arguing that she should have just let him in and made him coffee, or what?

“the only moral abortion is my abortion”...I can’t even look at her without seeing what a fucking hypocrite I think she is.

The rational part of me knows I’m never going to change this person’s mind and yet I can’t get rid of this glimmer of hope that reason and facts can actually sway someone in their beliefs.

I get that there are a lot of problems with the police over reacting or reacting violently to people of colour and people who are mentally unwell (I’m not sure if it’s worth pointing out, that this man isn’t described as a POC, whereas Ravenclaw apparently is, and secondly came to no harm from the police). However, as

This idea that my concern about the shit that’s going on in a symptom of some sort of emotional instability is really throwing me off.

In my twenties, I lived with 2 other girls in their twenties. One day, my very elderly downstairs neighbor (93) stopped me and told me that 2 “fellas” had rung his doorbell and had asked about the girls upstairs. He couldn’t remember exactly what they asked about, but said if they ever came around again he would

Sounds like gaslighting to me.

I’ve always found the expression“fill your head” to be so condescending. “Those feminists filled your head with crazy ideas.” “Why do you choose to fill your head with those types of stories?” I’ve also never heard anyone direct that expression at a man. It seems so closely related to “Don’t worry your pretty little

This doesn’t sound like you’re the problem.

Fellow Jezzies, I need some advice.

Is he not engaging with you because hes worried you will become obsessed with it? Sort of just cutting you off to be mentally healthy? Which sounds shitty.

Did you miss the part about the guy harassing her and persistently ringing her doorbell trying to get in?

My dog likes to quietly get in the bed on my husband’s side after he has gotten up. I have, on occasion, turned over and spooned my pooch.

Don’t let anyone gaslight you. Your hackles were up for a reason, and it’s ok. The dude rang your doorbell after some not-run-of-the-mill behavior. It’s ok to be scared and want to protect yourself.

My old cat, Pumpkinandy, would fight (with his teeth and claws) any tomato I ever brought home. To the death, and he always won. He would find them, too, on my shelves. And then kill them.

You know how cats love a good ritual?

Strange! Earlier today I heard a man’s voice in the hall of my apartment while in my bedroom (furthest point from the door), didn’t think anything of it, assumed it was a neighbour coming or going, but I continued to hear the jingling of keys as I puttered around the apartment. I looked out my peephole to see a man

So I tried to discuss the very disturbing events of the past wk of Trump administration w/ my husband. Here’s the (very short convo):

My best friend, who is the child of a Canadian father and a Muslim Indian mother, has lived in this country since she was 12. She is now almost 45. She has applied for citizenship umpteen times but was rejected each time. She has been married to an American husband for 8 years and is the mother of an 8 year old son. I

I checked and noticed that my one year exercise anniversary was January 16. I’ve been able to keep this up for one year. I feel good about that. I’ve noticed a change. I’ve gone down a few clothes sizes and I have more energy.