
I’m with you. I have to scour Twitter, etc., as it is part of my job, but I’m not clicking on links or videos. I even resisted making a comment about the Marlo Thomas “That Girl” / Cross-dressing Benedict Arnold at Disney World get-up that Con-way was wearing (complete with Game of Thrones buttons). Well, I resisted

Plagiarism does not only mean lifting words directly from someone else. The uncredited use of someone else’s ideas is also plagiarism. Ever written a college paper? Because pretty much any professor will tell you that.

I’m getting a bit irritated about people who keep saying “get over it.” This isn’t a basketball game where the result is in and that’s it. This is fucking real life and there are a million little “wins or losses” to be decided over the next 4 years.

The GOP will never tire of blaming Obama or Hillary for anything. They want to make sure we never have a POC and/or female president again.

I think he’ll still be blaming Obama well into his presidency.

Go fuck yourself Kellyanne. I’d piss on his photo but I know it’d just turn him and his supporters on.

Fuck no. Obama didn’t get any respect from the opposition. I refuse to give this living can of partially humidified Tang any respect until he starts walking back the actions he’s taken since November.

More Prestige? More Power? as a glorified reality tv star faux-billionaire?

I was there for both Obama Inagurations. 2009 had the crowd way back past the Washington Monument toward the reflecting pool. It was an effing party.

It needs to kill him just a little harder.

oh, he will say it, and he’ll keep saying it despite the fact that it’s the future and we can literally all see, with a simple google search, the livestream of the nearly empty national mall, and we can juxtapose that w photos from obama’s inaugurations, and just like always he’ll say something that directly

So proud of D.C. Right now. I’ve seen some pics and there is nooooooobody out. The only people around are bumbfucks with racists t-shirts. (Shocker, I know).

nah, he’ll rationalize it (republicans have jobs! it’s cold out!) he will never give in to self reflection at all, and later when he boasts about historic crowds (they were the best! the biggest! big league!) he’ll actually remember it that way.

Worth noting, too, that there was almost no one on the sidewalks for the motorcade from the White House. There were actually more police/military lining tge streets than there were onlookers.

Tiny crowds to fill his tiny hands

This makes me so fucking happy. Sure, it’s fleeting, but right now I’ll revel in the schadenfreude.

Of course he’ll say “the biggest crowds ever.” In the face of video, audio, books and newspaper accounts, he’s still managed to deny, lie and exaggerate with a straight fucking face. The sign of a true sociopath.

“My crowd was bigger than Obama’s in ‘09 if you take out the people who were at his inauguration illegally.” - Donald Trump

Nice. As an aside, I am currently sitting across from two coworkers that have nothing but bitch about Obama for the past eight years mutter to each other about how “he’s our President now and people need to get over it.”

I’m sure he’ll say, “we had the biggest crowds ever!!” But deep down it kills him that the crowds are small, just like it kills him that he is perceived as an illegitimate president.