
The Obamas will say their farewells to the White House staff at 8:30 A.M Friday morning and will depart shortly thereafter. At 11:30 A.M., we will usher in a new era of...something.

On the eve of the inauguration, I think it’s a good time to remember that under President Obama, twenty million Americans gained health insurance, cutting the percentage of uninsured Americans to single digits; same-sex marriage was legalized; DADT was repealed; combat positions were opened to women and transgender

And then, at the end of a very long life, he would appear and gently tell you it was time to clean up your work space.

I could go for Tim Gunn as a personal savior. Whenever I was in spiritual need, he would advise me wisely, give me a hug, and tell me to “make it work!” I like it!

So the spiritual advisor to the man who dismisses any criticism of himself as “fake news”, dismisses any criticism of herself as attacks from Satan.

A friend at a party this weekend responded to a sarcastic “We’ll be fine!...” with “No, seriously, most of us in this room will be fine. And we need to remember that if things seem bad to us, they’re a thousand times worse for many others.”

I can’t get a decent adulting job without a degree, an advanced degree, excellent grades, 10+ years experience, passing a screening test that determines if I’ll “fit in” with their company culture, passing a drug test, and yet these yahoos are in charge of our entire country.

assumption that Trump’s actions are nonsensical when they are actually well calculated and brutally effective

In essence Trump’s campaign was so vociferously divisive and its victory against the Republican establishment so crushing that hes basically broken the spirit of the GOP and they will now do whatever he wants.

We’ll definitely be Instagramming and Instagram Storying, if you’re into those platforms.

So, the inaugeration shit-show is hitting in small towns, now. This is from a small town outside of Lansing, which is in a county that went over 60% for Clinton.

The explanation that cleared it up for me is this: The government cannot coerce you into saving someone else’s life by forcing you to donate an organ (kidney, liver, even blood which is super low risk). This is generally seen as a basic human right, not just a good principle to live and govern by. The government

This. If you don’t want women to have abortions, there is feminist work you can do. You can advocate for free or very low cost birth control given out to both women and men. You can advocate for bumping up money to programs that support single mothers. You can advocate for practical sex education starting at an

While I agree on principle, I cannot wrap my head around women who insist on keeping these views. You cannot deny women body autonomy while stating that you’re a feminist.

Thank you for making this distinction. It’s so frustrating when pro-choice is assumed to mean pro-abortion.

Bodily autonomy. Same reason it is illegal for someone to rape or assault you. Same reason doctors need your informed consent to give you treatment. Same reason you can get a tattoo or a piercing but it is illegal for someone to force those on you. Same reason your organs can’t be donated after your death if you

Feminism is about giving women the power and opportunity to make their own choices, even if you disagree with said choice.

“a Catholic law student and self-described feminist”

If you’re anti-abortion but respect that it’s your personal decision and are cool with letting others do whatever they want because they ALSO get to make that personal decision, by all means join us.