
I know, right? I bet this is TOTALLY just want she wanted. Those sluts just want to be famous and accusing people of sexual abuse always helps with fame.

Yep. Between this and the Bush daughters’ letter to Sasha and Malia I’ve been having a lot of feels on behalf of the Bush family lately. It’s Bizarro World up in here.

Politics aside, I do send him my best wishes. I also feel for W, who I’m sure would rather spend time with his father than be at the inauguration. Because real talk, “responding well to treatments” at age 92 is pretty guarded language.

I think Trump is the logical conclusion to this obsession with Reality TV. We have allowed our lives to be made into reality tv; from dating competitions, weddings, divorce court, plastic surgery makeovers, botched plastic surgery un-make-overs, weight loss competitions, etc. Virtually every aspect of our real lives

My democratic ideals also tell me to raise fucking hell when someone is attacking our civil liberties and frankly attacking our democratic ideals.

They like unborn children.

The best part of this, is that she’ll likely get much MORE exposure by putting them on blast than by having them write some BS tweet. It’s a win-win!

I told them . . . I work for a fee, not for free.

“You are messing with the president of the United States,” the Maples contact wrote her.

Oh yeah, Paul Rudd’s character was much more of a George W.

I’m iffy on the outcome of an impeachment. If he stays in office then he’s (once again) the victim. If he’s removed from office, we get Pence who actually knows what he’s doing and we all know how fighting that is.

Can they please do a show about impeachment?

My little fantasy: Trump drops a personal attack into his inaugural address and people on the dais— starting with ex-presidents— go full Seinfeld gif and get up and start walking out.

He’s already on record as saying diapers and such are women’s work and he didn’t do that. He supplied the money, the mothers* supplied the parenting.

THIS. Just seeing Black people in positions of power and influence has left a huge impact on me personally. I usually brush off soft-power like seeing them around all the time. But man, did it normalize Blackness in the best of ways by seeing it so openly around. I’m not saying racism is solved by any stretch of the

Also, the Obamas had offered to leave the playground at the White House for, you know, Trump’s ten-year-old kid and bunch of grandkids... and he said no.

You’d think they’d have learned that after the overblown election coverage.

Isn’t the first rule of the Internet “don’t feed the trolls?”

I just read an article today that said more or less this - that the best way to get his goat is to not watch him. Making his speeches and interviews the lowest rated of their kind will drive him crazy. Stay informed, read the press coverage the next day so you know what’s going on, but opt out of watching all his