

This is what drones are for. Somebody’s gonna strap a GoPro onto one and show that empty, empty space.

It is my favourite of his writings. His words about extremism are without flaw:

I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is

They have something. Never forget, he brought up hotel rooms with spycams at the press conference all on his own.

It’s fucking bad. It’s like having Eric Cartman as your president.

Is all this caused by lunacy or are we just witnessing his fall into full-blown dementia? Either way, the next four years will be a wild ride. I just hope California does everything in its power to fight back against his administration.

If wingnuts can believe Obama is a socialist communist Muslim from Kenya, I can believe the Russians have a Trump sex tape. Which seems more likely?

Oh boo hoo da Liiibruls is being so meeean to you again huh? Whatsamatta, you some kind of oversensitive politically correct snowflake or something? I thought it was all about Getting Over It Cuz it’s Just Words and not Sticks and Stones or Something like that! Psychotic?No! No psychotic, you’re psychotic! You’re just

Michael Steele was on AM Joy this morning and he and Joy agreed: you DO NOT come for Michelle Obama and you DO NOT come for John Lewis if you have two brain cells to rub together.

Same here. My wife and I talked about this last night. I will continue to refer to him as Cheeto Mussolini. My wife (who is a grown up, unlike me) will simply refer to him as Trump. Neither of us will call him president, because he is not being inaugurated on Jan. 21; he’s being installed. There’s a big difference.

They elected Trump and now they’re facing the consequences.

retired general Michael Flynn, a member of the Trump transition team

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

And he called BuzzFeed, who released the dossier in full, “a failing pile of garbage” who would “suffer the consequences.”

I’m beginning to think the people claiming early onset Alzheimer’s may be on to something. He’s become noticeably more incoherent as the months drag on.

‘Yes we can, yes we did...’ Yes. We. Will, Mr. President.

+1 ew

They had to wait for someone to leak it.

please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true