
Really? Really? Can we ever...EVER stop eating our own? We (progressives) have the biggest single enemy (obvious) to defeat since...Christ I don’t even know who...and we’re still doing this? We’re going to criticize and alienate white people who are late to the party for being late to the party? Now is not the

No one wants a witch hunt; they just want fucking justice.

Even as my stomach turns every time she twists, I have to admit that she has amazing agility while hefting two buckets of BS. It’s actually kind of impressive.

Good. No one associated with anything traditional should be anywhere near his ass to sully themselves. Everything about this inaugeration - and this presidency, really - should have to be harder for him than it has been for previous presidents just to ram home the point that this presidency is not normal.

I love it when Republicans prove themselves to be giant fucking hypocrites about their supposed “values”.

I’m not a fan of the whole California seceding thing (esp. because the leadership behind the movement is discussing creating some kind of alliance with Russia Jill Stein-style, which is some bullshit I can’t get behind). I will say, though, the way that I think CA succession would help the rest of the states is

Nope. We have plenty of room here. Come on over. And if you think only rich people live here, you dont know CA.

That we should tolerate intolerance. Yeah, no.

Obligatory response right back to them:

We know how to do it, The Satanic Temple told us how. How we could apply it in this situation is another matter, although I’m sure it will present itself in time.

I hope you don’t! Yoga, maybe? Or something violent to get it out, like boxing? Good luck.

Okay I agree with your individual points that “Annie” a) was not a good film and b) was attempting (perhaps showily) to be diverse. But if you’re trying to conclude something by putting those two points together, then you’ve completely lost me.

I have never wanted to see a film less than I want to see La La Land.

I’ve read/heard at least 10 professional film reviews gushing about La La Land and referring to it as a throwback to ‘the golden era of Hollywood’, etc. There are a lot of great films from that era, but they were also all-white. La La Land missed a fantastic opportunity to meld that genre with a diverse cast - now

i assumed she wrote dumb shit because why else would she be getting hate. i looked at those pictures and she just pull-quoted bible verses that meant a lot to her. what is wrong with that? she put a fuck ton of work into it too.

Personal beliefs aside, that is an impressively thoughtful and work-intensive gift.

You and your BF are “doing well” because the BF wants you to leave your support network and move to a place where you have no one who will protect you from him.

I feel like your parents could be sending their message better, but RUN, DON’T WALK. It doesn’t get better. Very best wishes to you!

get out while you still have support away from him. if you wait your support will be gone and you will be stuck with him. don’t flush your life down the toilet for a man who isnt’ worth it (he’s not worth it, he’s already told you that with his actions.)

This is so good. And mirrors so much of what I feel. Hopeless and angry and just so fucking full of rage at the class of men that I don’t know what to do with myself.