
Dogs love everyone. If a cat loves you, you’ve earned it. It’s like going on a date with a hooker versus going on a date with your girlfriend.

Sadly, the role I’ll most remember Debbie Reynolds for is her part in Disney’s Halloween Town series. My wife had a nostalgic attachment to those movies, so I bought her the set for her last birthday. Unfortunately, my toddler is insisting on alternating between those movies and Frozen every day of holiday break.

This is the real threat. This is the beginning of the marginalization and isolation of dissent in any form by the House Republicans. It was bad enough that they demanded that all Republicans march in lockstep, but now they want all members - party or position on an issue notwithstanding - to march or be shunned,

You should absolutely go. While D.C. may feel more politically important actually having protests around the country is hugely important. It shows this isn’t some east coast liberal thing, it shows that the message and the rejection of what Trump stands for is widespread. So I actually think it’s very important to go.

It is frightening how much the Republicans want to end the transparency of the democratic process.

My dining room is more star-studded than that inauguration will be.

Guys, the protests will be more star-studded than the inauguration. *fistbump*

It was never really jobs, or even really race, but the amount of condescension and mockery.


The thing is... Keep it flexible. Me and the Rat Husband are in fertility treatments right now and we HAVE to have sex on a schedule and that is the hardest thing ever. Trying to get aroused because I’m ovulating and we can’t waste it is very stressful. A voluntary schedule would be better but you just have to

I think this is something people understand as they get older. When I was in my 20s and regularly dating new people, I would have laughed at this advice. Now as a very busy 35-year-old with a live-in fiance, I totally get it.

Yup me and mr freak decided years ago on how much sex makes us happy and how to agree to timing on that and have not fought about sex since. Now rn I’m pregnant so it’s stagnated since I’m on pelvic rest but we still schedule in intimacy time. This means putting down the phones making sure we are ready for action on

When I was a little kid my mom had the radio on and the “If you like Pina Colada” song came on. I remember that when I asked her what it was about, she said, “This is why mommies and daddies need a vacation once in a while.”

Yeah, I don’t think there’s a problem with this at all. When you have a lot of shit to do, it’s so easy to just collapse in front of the TV at night and fall asleep instead of using that time to spend sexy time with your partner. Making a specific effort can be really rewarding.

Do you! Everyone should get consensually laid the way they want.

I totally see your POV, Aimée. And this is an easy subject to make fun of.

This thin-skinned asshole blocked me on Twitter (for real) on Twitter two and a half years ago. How will I know if important developments in national and international policy happen?

The world could use a few million more people whose brand is niceness.

Kindness for the wrong reasons is better than no kindness at all right?