


Until he coughs up actual proof I am calling this the right wing version of Pizzagate. It’s just a conspiracy theory made by someone who has yet to have shown solid evidence to the public.

“not as easy as one would think” because they’re all fucking cowards


because you know californians are allll liberal nutjobs that give nothing back to society

so one state that houses a huge number of the US population shouldn’t count?

Hillary didn’t fucking fail. She beat Trump by nearly three million votes.

You have to do it JUST right so that it’s clear the opponent is the idiot but you don’t seem like a jerk. John Stewart is an amazing example of it, like when he took down a woman who claimed she had read the whole ACA and there were death panels and other bad things and brought a binder onstage with the printed bill

Fuck everyone involved in this story, including Ciccarelio. You’re not making some profound satirical statement about racism. You’re provoking trolls with dipshittery to draw attention to yourself.

Apparently we’re supposed to be outraged that people are outraged that a guy said something that, outside of some fairly specific context, is fairly outrage-inducing?

There’s been an active conversation about all the deaths being related to the rise of celebrities in the 1960's-70's and the ages of that first “class” of very well known musicians/actors/athletes.

And yet those same fates happen just as often to people who are married and have children. I think it would be a lot worse to be sitting there alone in the nursing home knowing your immediate family doesn’t care about you.

Exactly. These dancers, and women performers like them, are exactly the ones he gets away with pussy-grabbing. The reason? The same one that means they will get fired for not showing on inauguration. It’s beyond performance, it’s an ownership of their bodies by the Rockette company, just like it is in the pageants. If

In terms of severity, this is a much different matter than simply smiling for a client you don’t like or going on a trip you didn’t want to go on. You’re right, I’ve done all of those things. Most of it while working in retail, a job which will expose you to some truly vile people.

This. They’re not going to stop dancing because Trump is in the audience at Radio City. They’re unhappy to be used as a political prop honoring someone who has sexually assaulted and bragged he “can do whatever he likes” with people like them.


There’s a difference between working for a customer you don’t particularly like (or even loath) vs publicly acting to prop up and celebrate them. More than that, because this isn’t just “a job” they have to deal with becoming a propaganda tool for a politician who supports legislature that may directly seek to negate

Poor Melania—she can’t open her mouth without being attacked as a stereotypical angry black woman. Sheesh.