
“Do we really need to see the mannerisms of our new leader through the lens of comedy on TV?”

So TRUE! If MTV wanted to become relevant again....now is the time!

I can’t see any major network airing this, but it could bring MTV back from the dead — they had an inaugural ball for Clinton in ‘92 and they revived MTV News this year. And they are the ones who showed the entirety of Live Aid in ‘85 so...

This is my great dream. How do we make this super concert happen?

I don’t believe I matter and it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. Fired from job, doesn’t matter, wife left you, who cares, you have cancer, well it’s about time. Once you realize it doesn’t matter and stop fretting for your latte Frappuccino the sense of freedom is amazing, I laugh at the

I love Kris Straub, especially since he’s responsible for the “All houses matter” comic.

Sorry for not making assumptions about your religion or lack thereof instead of assuming everyone is Christian, jackasses.

I’ve been saying happy holidays forever, because it covers the entire spectrum of holidays, including New Years. People need to get the fuck over themselves.

That poor tree. Killed to make about the ugliest Christmas Tree ever.

please re- “right” this comment

Nihilism is literally the only acceptable counterpoint to BLM, lol.

does anybodys life really matter. Are lives are a meaningless specks in the vastness of the space, here for a less then a second compared to the age of the universe ; we will all die and it will be like we were never here . Nothing we do matters, our lives don’t matter. Happy holidays everybody.

To repeat what I said below... Kind of the theme of this entire election, isn’t it, more people on the Left refusing to vote for the mainstream Left candidate, than people on the Right refusing to vote for an obvious Russian agent who promises to destroy this country.

We won’t do this again. I don’t give a shit about my fiancé’s ailing grandmother who hates black people and voted Trump. (I’m being an angry petty bitch right now and know it. But I’ve sat here for three days listening to how much of a moron I am.)

Jesus, forget election year. “Missippi from Seattle for Christmas” sounds like a punishment.

I really hate this “we won, get over it!” It’s not a football game- this shit is real. We have to face real concerns. The system is set up to allow and encourage dissent and compromise!

I just came here because I have to spill my guts and can’t do it anywhere else.

It was a kind comment from a hairdresser who had observed some ‘iffy’ abusive behavior that that helped me listen to my own inner voice and get the heck out of my marriage.

Ya got me. I’m a creepy monster who goes around asking EVERYONE to spill their business! And then I cackle like a witch!

The sort who would benefit most aren’t the type to go on educational courses...