
Absolutely. I think we’re just drawn to these funny little fuck ups because if we don’t laugh..we’ll just keep plumbing the depths of misery and my god it gets exhausting. <3 Patton

Agreed as long as we don’t lose sight of what is really happening here. Once again Patton Oswalt speaks the harsh truth

True story. I think perseverating over Trump’s *haha* minor fails is like taking a break from a dense textbook to read a stupid gossip mag. A little light junk food fare for the mind to keep it from exploding.

Can’t believe I didn’t think of this. Shit.

The telling part is that Russia hacked both the RNC and the DNC. They only released the DNC information, which means they are blackmailing the Republicans to get their way. And as we all know Republican priorities are 1) themselves, 2) the party, and 3) the nation.

“Where can we find a doctor?”

Gosh Barack, I’d really like to help that sick reporter but I don’t know if the American people really want me to take such a strong interventionist approach to her health. Not to mention the possible repercussions I might face from Russian and Iranian doctors for horning in on their action.

Reminder, folks: Loco Jones is an idiot and a troll (a combo like peas and carrots). He will make false equivalencies simply to get replies to bump his comment up to the top so he can link it to 4chan and he and the rest of his ilk can jerk off to the thought of getting SJWs riled up.

I don’t know how factually correct this is, but allegedly you pay for your own star, it starts at like 25k or something. You fill out a form and then there is a committee meeting or something? There is some person or persons that decides where and when but it is 100% a money grab for the city.

Just as absurd as a virgin birth, walking on water, multiplying fish and loaves of bread, transubstantiation, and rising from the dead in my opinion. Religions are absurd.

Recline away. That bump you feel in the middle of your back? That’s my knees. No, I don’t plan on moving them. Enjoy.

sigh. this is so depressing.

Depp, you petty fuckshit, pay the money and then GO AWAY. Get out of Heard’s life, get out of Fantastic Beasts. Go on! Get!

One of the more annoying things about “Merry Christmas” vs. “Happy Holidays” this year is that the week between Christmas and New Years is also Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. It is literally the holidays. God I fucking hate those assholes.

And that’s why I have not said merry christmas to a stranger in nearly a decade. Happy Holidays is like this wonderful weapon that heals good people and hurts evil ones. A good person takes my well wishes as they are intended. An asshole takes them as an insult.

This Jew’s go-to answer for many years has been, “It’s a fucking national holiday. What more do you want?”

Bruno Mars is probably the finest male performer of our generation. COME AT ME.

I don’t get it. Why the fuck does he (Obama) care sooo much about not having civil war? Look, I understand about being better, but fuck that noise. I ain’t getting better. I don’t believe in turning the other cheek. If that means you have to break out the Tricky Dick/LBJ playbook, then you do so. No one even had to

Here, Barry