
If I move, they win. So long as I - and people like me stay - there is some resistance. Even if we’re just the speed hump in their parking lot.

I’m sure they’re much more excited about an immigrant taking Michelle’s job.

Flood their towns you say? Don’t worry, climate change will take care of that!

Hot take alert:

Someone should have told her “I wish you were aborted” maybe she would understand that.

EC is affirmative action for flyover states.

This. Flood their rural towns and protest. Crowd around their city’s crown jewel (I’m thinking a 24 hr Mc.Donalds?) and raise hell.

Please remember to not ungrey the comments of trolls that reply to your thread. Simply dismiss their idiocy. If you want to reply to their comment, simply post said comment in a reply to yourself with the troll’s dismissed comment linked. Also do your part to inform other people of trolls on their threads.

A blonde woman leaned over the guardrail to yell, “Better than killin’ babies!”

But gerrymandering and voter suppression are very real things that shouldn’t be dismissed.

I just want to use this opportunity to point out, again, that Voter Fraud And Election Rigging Is Extremely Extremely Rare.

2017 will be the year we all die so at least we have that to look forward to

The only way to win a rigged game is to use the rigger’s rules against them. That’s where the Satanists come in. Agreed, I’d like to use reason, but when they start bringing Gob into the argument, there’s no winning. The only way to do it is to bring a Gob of your own.

I can’t stand Candace Cameron. Michael Moore told her on the view not to marry a woman or have an abortion if she wasn’t into it, but not to deny those rights to others and her head nearly popped off. It’s as if my atheist uterus shouldn’t be beholden to her christian beliefs!

It’s not merely satire, it directly addresses the disadvantage that atheists are faced with when it comes to first amendment rights in the United States.

Yeah I’m an atheist and I fully support these people. It sucks to have to use “religion” as a manipulation tool but I’m a fight fire with fire sort of person.

Well said. I’m also an atheist, but I may join the Satanic Temple, just for the hell of it.

Y’know, I am an atheist. I believe that most of TST folks are, too. So I want to get all criticizey on them and say “Hey, don’t use satire to try to make your point, just use honest argument”. But y’know what? Their shit works. And it seems like it’s often the only thing that does, particularly with this sort of

What paralyzes me is, I don’t know what to do about it. Is there a way to stop this crazy train?

Clinton was First Lady at the time, and therefore couldn’t vote for the bill. Bernie was in the Senate, and voted for it...yet you blame Hillary? Curious