
I like that this troll actually posted the value he spends on his kids. What a douche.

Well, her hair is already dead because she dyes it too much. Seriously Kellyanne just give up and wear a wig at this point.

I’m pretty sure she is dead.

I want her dead too. Just for the record.

It’s not that they won’t pay for it. They would. There is just no one to pay! Which is why I suggest staying in a major centre. My cousin has four freaking EAs in her Winnipeg classroom. I just live in a more isolated place. That is the biggest downside to this country. There is massive inequity between north and

I had to leave this page. People are fucking ridiculous. As someone who is poor it rubs me the wrong way to see so many people defend their conspicuous consumption but whatever that’s America. But the fact that others want to criticize the ones who don’t? We fucking deserve trump. This culture makes me sick.

Over a thousand dollars per kid?!

Ha. I must be in a chatty mood. I blame being alone so much lately. Apparently desperate for even the most pathetic of human interactions.

This is the weirdest back and forth.

I am Canadian. Unfortunately where I live services are very limited (up north). Before school age it was very easy to access therapies to help her. Since she turned five we’ve had to pay out of pocket. The biggest issue is that she really requires assistance in the classroom and those resources are scarce. They

I didn’t judge you in the slightest. I don’t use “normal”. You did. I was using the word YOU used. Did you miss that?

Oh, you’re one of those. I didn’t say they were normal. My older daughter has a severe mental health issue, so I guess you’d call that abnormal. That was the first reason for keeping her home. The second is having a husband who is out of the country for work - sometimes we travel with him. The third is the free time.

How did those selfish idiots (including those in non-swing states) not see that even if Clinton was far from their perfect candidate, Trump and the rest of the climate-change denying GOP will stifle the environmental sciences, destroy our public lands and parks, and intentionally drive us straight into environmental

I swear to God, if I hear one more person whine about how Hillary didn’t live up to their “oh-I’m-so-special-and-couldn’t-betray-my-values” standards I am literally going to scream. I am more angry at them than for the people who actually voted for Trump.

Wow... I bet all those “Never Hillary” morons are so glad that their vote didn’t count and Hillary won the election anyway...

Let me give an example of why I disagree with you.

Katie went stealth. I’m sure in about 15-20 years Lifetime is going to make a Katie Holmes story and tell whatever tidbits they managed to dig up about it. If I’m alive it will be required viewing.

It does seem that she had a smart exit strategy. I heard tell of secret burner phones and such. Had to be a nightmare for her and kid, but they seem to have safely escaped.

Tom Cruise will not be joining his daughter (whom he hasn’t seen in three years) for Christmas 

Yeah, I didn’t like that, either.