
Time’s Person of the Year is not an award. It is to someone who has been impactful. What about the Person of the Year do you disagree with? Hitler was Person of the Year, so was Osama Bin Laden. It is not an award!!!

NDA’s should be against the law in this case. Trump is no longer the CEO of a private company. He is the employee of 320 million people. Please tell me this violates some form of the Freedom of Information Act. If it doesn’t, someone needs to fucking get on that. The transition and everything that follows is part of

Then you are to blame for neonazis in the White House. Enjoy!

To Selena, With Love was a very heartfelt memoir to his late wife. He had a lot of problems with substance abuse and depression after Selena died and I think this book helped him gain closure. I understand Abraham might be upset but this book was about her life and love with Chris - a relationship that he didn’t

I get it but I also don’t.

She was very close to her family. But it was well known in Corpus Christi her dad was not that supportive of her English pop music transition and resented her husband’s support of her. They have retained a tight control over image to protect it from exploitation. It’s so horrible they can’t agree how to present her

Our new (official) American Kleptocracy.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Just like money, religion can be used by people to have carte blache to do whatever you want to fucking do. It isn’t about god at all but about power.

My 14-year old son was hospitalized for complications stemming from his appendicitis surgery this past week. I asked my in-laws of they could come over on Sunday to watch the other kids so my husband and I could both be there to talk to his doctors. They said, well, it’s Sunday morning...we’ll have Mass.....

If people need religion to not be an asshole, they are an asshole.

Sooooo much this. People are so freaked out about Atheists not having any morals, but that hasn’t stopped religious people from being assholes for over a millennium!

It’s so wonderful that, in the wake of an election in which a huge number of white people were openly hostile to people of color, that we now need to placate those hostile people by giving them even MORE of what they want, so that they will forgive us, which they will never do anyways.

So what you’re saying is, you’re a man and you want the government to enforce laws on what a woman can do with her own body. Cut to the chase next time.


You have clearly never spoken to one single woman in a burka. Some women WANT to wear them.

there is no predictability as to how Trump will treat his enemies, there is just as little in determining how he will treat his “friends” aka lackeys

If he grows up to be like his dad, that will be bad enough.

Right? Poor kid. Let him enjoy his childhood. He’ll be ground under by the misery of adulthood too soon. Let him wear the damn dinosaur shoes.

That actually made my heart hurt. what kind of a concept is “tacky” to teach a four year old? he’s going to preschool not Royal Ascot.

Let the kid wear the dinosaur shoes outside FFS. You just said life is too short.