
look, I have no particular beef with joe biden, but why the fuck do we let anyone serve in the senate for 36 years? Why the fuck we do let anyone hold any office for that long?

Honestly, it doesn’t really seem like he meant it. He’s just shooting the shit. He’s not gonna do it.

I’m down, and if he and Colin Powell want to spend the interim 4 years doing a reality show where they race cars all across the USA, meeting constituents and solving the occasional crime, I’m down with that, too.

Love ya, Uncle Joe, but you’re 74, and will be 78 in 2020. Time for the torch to pass to a new generation. Find a good candidate and put your moral weight behind him or her.

“Without the EC, cities would dominate our government.”

This is one of those moments that makes me wonder about democrats...are we stupid? I feel like we might be.

If anything these faithless electors will create such a crisis as to abolish the electoral college. And these fuckhead conservatives who keep saying that the electoral college evens the playing field are fucking racist. That the most densely populated areas shouldn’t control the government. Why the fuck not? Why is a

How long have you been carrying that chip on your shoulder? It seems heavy.

*Raises hand* Hey! I know this one... I just finished a mandatory sexual harrassment training class for my new job.

Can we please not count chickens yet? The last time we didn’t wait for the eggs to hatch, it turned out to be a fucking velociraptor nest and now we have Trump as President.

Democracy requires that people are literate in democracy and invested in democracy. If people don’t believe their participation matters or if they don’t understand how the system works, the system is vulnerable to authoritarianism. Someone can walk in and make absurd promises, and if the number of disenfranchised

Enjoy your dystopia, Stein voter. I’m sure the Internet will be so impressed with your electoral purity in twenty years or so.

Ok. So if I agree then what happens? I just don’t understand to point of continuing this debate. To gloat and feel self righteous?

if these actually do overturn anything, wouldn’t that prove that the entire system has run its course? better to protect the illusion of the institution than start over?

“You don’t get to change the rules because you lost according to the rules you previously agreed to.”

“We have a Senate that has refused to act on a Supreme Court vacancy”

pretty much. We’re trying so hard to protect the peaceful transition of power and the legitimacy of fair and free elections despite all of the voter suppression that’s gone on... what’s the point?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we’re already having a Constitutional crisis. We have a Senate that has refused to act on a Supreme Court vacancy, we have a president-elect who may or may not have won the election fair-and-square, but most definitely lost the popular vote by at least 2.5 million votes, and

The worst part is Paul Ryan just today (add in Pence too) says, “who cares about his non-factual tweets?” A fucking disgrace they’ve become.

Deprogramming cult members require psychologists and social workers. Deprogramming a society requires civil war.