
I am so with you on all of this, especially the movie theatre part. I haven’t been to a movie without taking an Ativan since the Aurora shooting. And even then I select seats based on my view of the exits (and by extension, peoples’ comings and goings) and the ‘hide’ options within the theatre space....and that’s to

She’s stopped being a literal impression of Kellyanne and become an avatar for all of us.

It brings me great comfort that Alec Baldwin keeps doing this impersonation with the sole purpose of getting under Trump’s skin.

He has been declining to take intelligence briefings because of his busy schedule, yet he can tweet weekly reviews of SNL???? I can’t anymore.

The only thing you can do now is stand by your decision. I’m sure he is grateful you gave him this opportunity (and, honestly, good on you for not succumbing to stigmas) and he should hopefully prove to be a valuable asset.

I wouldn’t think less of someone else if they hired a fully qualified, talented employee who is a recovering addict, even if that employee relapsed. Even if that employee’s relapse caused problems at work and the employee had to be let go. Giving a talented, good person who happens to have a history of addiction a

I know some of the folks who are still missing, and more are friends of friends. I’m living out of town these days, and when I found out I was texting and calling to make sure folks were okay. It wasn’t really my crowd, but a lot of folks I know are frantically searching for friends and loved ones.

I love that “they don’t yet have Asia expertise on team” as an explanation.

This is a prime example of how his business interests are a threat to national security and international relations.

His voters are too stupid to realize this is dangerous.

I guarantee you the reaction of the typical Trump supporter to the news that Trump insulted China is, “Fuck China! (And lock her up!)“

Translation: he is an idiot.

A few years ago, maybe 2013 or 14, Secretary Hillary Clinton came to my work (not Wall Street, tech company) for a fireside chat and to promote her book. She talked at length about her experience as SOS, and one thing she discussed was how much “small offenses” matter to so many leaders and countries around the world,

Yeah, this is not going to work.

Millions of illegals voted in the states Trump lost. The elections in the states that Trump won were free and fair. You can tell, because in the states where Trump lost, Trump lost. Conversely, in the states where he won, he won. QED.

If you have to think about whether or not it was an insult and you’re still not quite sure? SHADE. Shade is subtle. Shade is more subtle than sarcasm. Beating people over the head with insults in no way approaches shade. Fuck people, give Kara a break.

Well, the White House has the same stance on drafting women and the PFA (in favor), and both have the same likelihood of actually happening anytime soon (nil).

If my children were being held hostage, and a ransom note were delivered to me, and the kidnappers’ only demand was for me to watch a Trump rally right now, we’d have a heckuva memorial service for those little buggers.

OMG - it’s almost worse than his standard stump speech. I have never witnessed a more grossly overt act of seeking attention than this.

Love you Selena, but is anyone watching this fucking trump rally?