
Tall Skinny Vanilla Latte for “Grump!”

mmmm; there is now Freedom Foam all over my computer screen.

I really feel like the worst thing a barista could do to anyone participating in this “statement” is fill their order just like they would any other customer.

My favorite was the barista who trolled back by making a drink for Turnip.

Hey hey hey HEY. Messing with somebody’s food/drink by adding bodily fluids is NOT COOL.

As a former barista - yes, we know people can see us. That’s why we don’t spit. We give people decaf.

We call that Freedom Foam.

They do realize they’re setting themselves up for a whole lot of spit in their coffee, right?

“Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!”

It doesn’t matter in the least. This is just fresh meat to throw his fanatics, who are already primed to hate New York, theater, theater people, gay people, HIV positive people, diversity, history, equality, most certainly rap, probably dancing too, lol. This is something they can bitch about all weekend while Trump’s

Yes, this, 100%. And the shit icing on the shit cake of this hypocrisy is that the cast wasn’t even booing him. They were asking the audience NOT to boo. And all the cast did was thank him for coming and express their hope that he will work for all Americans. How in any way is that harrassment?!

Someone get Chelsea handler some help please. This obsession with her friends ex and his current relationship can’t be healthy:

The irony of the “we don’t want to be politically correct” people come,aiming of hurt feelings....

Seeing how defensive he is of Pence...... we all know whose really running the show.

Let’s take a moment to think of all of the actual harassment Obama endured throughout his presidency without ever demanding an apology.

Let me get this straight — Donald Trump and the rest of the Republicans are this bent out of shape because notorious right-wing demagogue Mike Pence got a few jeers at a showing of Hamilton, performed and attended by minority communities he’s openly threatened and undermined in the past?

Yes. This. It’s like Trump thinks we’ve all woken up in some Bizarro-world reality where the way he behaves is considered entirely polite, but speaking without rancour to a newly-elected official who works for you about how you hope they will embrace the diversity of the electorate as they carry out that work is

It’s smoke and mirrors to keep us distracted from Steve Bannon, etc. Bread and circuses, you know?

I’m a native Hoosier and I believe Mike Pence should be booed in literally every possible venue

The fraudulent orange scumbag runs a totally respect-free campaign, then demands respect...not happening there, Donnie Dipshit. Fuck you, fuck Mike fucking Pence, fuck your shitty family and fuck every single one of your shit-eating Trumpies too. No one “owes” that sack of human garbage a goddamned thing. In fact