
The VP-elect should show more courtesy and respect for others than to walk out on a message specifically-prepared for him; even if he doesn’t like what they’re saying. That kind of common decency and diplomacy is expected out of elected (and even non-elected) civil servants.

It’s given us what may be peak Biden Meme.

It’s mostly a Republican thing, but only if it’s a Republican holding the office. If it’s a Democrat, they spend the entire time whining that the Democrats are literally the anti-Christ and are destroying America.

Amy Adams and Isla Fisher arent the same person? Does this mean the Sasha Fierce and Beyonce are two different people?

Elizabeth Warren

One cannot respect the office if the office does not respect people equal under the law. Pence is terrible, and a performance of Hamilton is not going to change him. Boo the living fuck out him.

They’re saying “Boo-urr”

Look: people are going to need to figure this out and they are going to need to figure it out quick.

*I feel like the end is supposed to prove that he had let it go (the fictional pursuit of revenge ended in death) and was trying to make Susan own her sins. I still thought it failed. Gone Girl, on the other hand, managed to make both characters somehow compelling.

There is no way this guy ends up in this position. Like, I have zero faith in Trump of Flynn’s judgement, and I think Trump wants this guy in this position more than he wants air, but there are parts of the intelligence community that will revolt over this and leak all kind of shit about Flynn if he proves dead-set on

Trump’s idea of “doing well” means taking rights away from a lot of people. So no, I don’t hope he does well.

I’m so proud of those people who felt maintaining their political purity was more important than a Trump-controlled Supreme Court.

“I’m also taking this action for the benefit of all parents and families, who may be facing the same violation of their rights—”

“It is not enough for you to be out of my house. I insist you also be miserable.”

“I want to destroy you for your own good. Why can’t you see that, you ungrateful little shit that I effectively disowned.”

Yes. Especially if she’s cycling in and out of her life. That is the pattern of someone who can’t maintain meaningful friendships. When everyone else dumps her she comes crawling to someone the thinks has to stick with her because you’ve put up with their shit for too long.

Too often people mistake “person I’ve known the longest/am related to” as someone who must stay in their life, no matter what. This gal isn’t your “best friend” and hasn’t been in a long time. Breaking up friendships/relationships, etc. is usually painful because it was an important part of/time in your life; but I

If this was about politics that would be valid. But it’s not. It’s about racism, misogyny, islamophobia, sexual assault. It’s about installing a Neo Nazi in the White House and making a mentally deranged liar Attorney General. It’s about Stop & Frisk and Roe v. Wade and discriminatory bathroom laws. It’s about white

Of course you would say some shit like that, mekki. No, my friends aren’t carbon copies of me, but I’m a Black woman so I can’t be friends with people who support a racist and his policies, no matter their bullshit reasoning why supporting a racist doesn’t make them actually racist. I’m sorry it hurts the feelings of