
I was the only woman interviewed. I wore a pantsuit.

Oh same. My grandma died during finals week first semester of college. I was supposed to go spend the night at her house that day (we knew it would be soon) and had baked cookies and sweets to bring with me so we could hang out and snack. I drove two hours there and we were all miserable and I brought the cookies and

Worst week of my life? Probably two years ago. One night I told my husband of over a decade that I was going to leave, because he was mean to me and made me afraid of him.

Yes. This is worse than 9/11. 9/11 brought with it a shared sense of purpose; the enemies were external.

Close to it. I am waaay deep in fight or flight mode and fight is winning.

A star for making me startle the dog with laughter. Hope you feel better soon.

I am really, deeply sorry for your troubles, but I also want to know I am shaking silently from laughing so hard, so know your pain was not truly in vain, for it brought this stranger temporary joy.

My 10yr-old daughter and I love potty humor and have decided that whenever we are going to announce that we are going to take a crap it shall henceforth be exclaimed, “I’m going to take a Trump!” Or, “Don’t go in there, I just took a steamy Trump!” Or, “Hey dad, if you’re gonna stink up the bathroom with a massive

This is very timely.

Everybody sharts.... sometime

Not true. Those uneducated whites and educated white women don’t give a rat’s fuck about appointments because their reward is bowing to happier, more smug white men now. What could be more rewarding?

I think it’s telling that it took us so long to realize he was saying “big league” and not “bigly.”

This stood out to me too. Trump, a man who has a history of silencing and attempting to intimidate the press, hired Peter Theil, a man who successfully sued, bankrupted, and shut down a website. If anyone knows how to silence ‘em, it’s Peter Theil.

The president-elect told advisers he wanted to tap Mr. Pence’s Washington experience and contacts to help move the process along

Hey Ivanka: Guess whose shoes I keep seeing at the Goodwill?

I think it was Bill Hicks who had the routine about the new President’s first national security briefing, where he sees film of the JFK shooting from angles no one has ever seen before....

[Going into brief]: Imma take out Isis and restore relations with Russia, and be tough on China.

congrats on reaching the bargaining stage

I have a theory. Theories are like buttholes. Everyone has one and they all stink. But this is my theory. He looks like this in these pictures because the CIA or NSA or FBI or whatever acronym just got done telling him, “Look, you screw this up and we will literally end you.”

Turning away is what got us into this mess, my bruh.