
“But but....it’s about economic anxiety!” - White Americans since Tuesday night

But... but economics! Rust Belt! We don’t understand Middle America, and need to relate to their pain and feel sympathy regardless of how much pain they happily inflict on anyone else! Oh and not hurt their feelings by pointing that out!


his dangerous “gender identity” directives

Why do fucking jackasses keep claiming that liberals are violating their deeply held belief in tolerance?

Tolerance means accepting the right of people who are different through no fault of their own to exist. NOT to accept dumbfuckery that most frequently comes from the right.

Because cybersecurity - and laws that stem from those efforts that affect technology, like SOPA and PIPA - aren’t tech news? Please. If you want to read tech reviews, CNET is over there waiting for you like a melted vanilla ice cream.

I’m in California and rooting for a west coast secession. Fuck paying federal taxes for a bunch of mother-fucking red states. I’d rather pay all my taxes to support a west coast union.

Yes! I understand the desire for peaceful transition of power but it pains me to see Obama as the face of normalization. Pacifying the masses with language to make them forget the hateful platform and rhetoric from the past year is so dangerous.

This is what’s driving me most nuts. I keep seeing “we should respect the people’s decision” or “we should respect him as the President.”

I said this to my husband last night. W. Was problematic. I wasn’t fans of McCain or Romney, but even with George W Bush, I felt like he seemed like a good person with good intentions. Same with the others—we had myriad fundamental disagreements and I did not want them to be elected. But Trump is a different ballgame.

Ugh. I don’t know what’s worse at this point—the gloaters or the ones calling for unity, especially the head piece of shit.

The doublethink theyre forcing us to do in order to keep the peace in our country is pretty scary. I refuse to pretend like Trump didnt say those horrible things he said while on the campaign trail. I hope others dont either. No clean slate, clean it up your damn self.

No one told pollsters or newspeople they were voting Trump because to do so was to be deemed a racist.
The culture had decided this was the case.

Maybe your country just doesn’t understand journalism. Your news outlets have political views! Have you guys ever watched the BBC? News is for NEWS! Facts! Not opinions.. Cut the panels crap, just read the stories. Fox started your descent, and you guys just accepted it and started copying it in every form of

We need diversity in who owns the media outlets as well

Yea I didn’t give a fuck this election, people know how I feel, if you wanna spew your right wing babble then I can talk about my beliefs and I can also decide that you’re not someone I want in my life, I’m over this shit, this isn’t how decent human beings act.

“I’m not actually to blame for this. I understand and share your anger.”

Oh fuck off. Let’s excuse white people as “always being racist” and focus on others. If you’re tired, take your ass to bed.

Hopefully today will be my first full day of work. Yesterday I was sent home, “not as a reprimand, but to calm down and get some perspective.”

Wait, so minority women do our part (like we’ve ALWAYS done) and it’s still get back to work. How about white America gets to work on themselves? How about you so-called progressive white Jezzies stop coddling your Trump supporting relatives and loved ones and express your disgust?