
This seems to be pretty typical of Trump supporters. If they start gunning people down in the streets because their candidate didn’t win, they are patriots. If the people who disagree with them do anything short of hailing Trump as our lord and savior, we deserve to murdered in cold blood.

A conservative friend who has been posting stupid anti-Hillary stuff for a while went on a rant about how the “Not my President” people are the reason our country is divided and that they’re the real problem.

Sure. Right. It’s not like the President-Elect spent five years questioning the citizenship of the sitting

I’m more concerned about people’s civil rights than being a hypocrite or protecting the feelings of a racist. You’re feel to disagree. This is still a free country for a few months.

Exactly they were promising an armed insurrection. I think a sign is fine.

Why are you presuming that I didn’t vote in the midterms and that I don’t take voting seriously? I vote every single time. I read up on every issue. Also, I’m not “refusing” Trump. I am not refuting that he will be our president. I’m protesting that he does not represent any values that are familiar to me. And you

Yeah, I’m done with her. She asks why people do something, people explain why they do it, and she tells them they’re wrong because *she* doesn’t do it. And now I’m taking my up-since-four-a.m. ass to bed and see what fresh hell my notifications look like when I get up. Fun times!

Well the ones that are high schoool kids, the majority of them would’ve even be able to vote yet. But are still taking action. That is a very heartening thing to see after such a traumatic event.

Yes, it is just you! Finally, you get it. Good for you. I hope your find your internet cookie some day. You are trying to separate actions from emotions here, though, and that is the entire problem. Actions are being driven by emotions here. If you can’t understand that, I don’t think you really understand protesting.

Oh my god, so many trolls. “If this were Obama, you’d be a racist, but because it’s a white guy it’s OK?” “How effective. You’re a hero.” People can’t wrap their minds around the fact that my sign is not literal. People can’t deal with a broad swath of our nation feeling grief and fear.

Don’t even try it.

Yes. Apparently, I am a petulant child for putting up a sign in my window. I think it says a lot that this particular commenter always has to qualify her unpopular comments with, “I’m a Native American.”

I would care because people are allowed to peacefully protest. The fact that you would mock and laugh says more about you than the protesters.

I think I didn’t explain myself well further up, though I know you’re responding to the PlzPrettyPlz person. When I said Trump supporters might have similar signs and I’d probably mock them, what I meant was that I’d know their motivations for doing so would be way different than mine. They’d be calling her

How many of their rights did Clinton threaten? Now ask yourself again why they might be protesting Trump?

Go look at The Nation. The Republican held state houses have been institutionalizing voter suppression for four years. You don’t read the news? ID laws and such? Plus it’s the first election without the full Voting Rights Act. Yes, all voter suppression tactics. This stuff is known, but nobody bothers to cover it at

If you choose to believe that it’s impossible for anyone who doesn’t support Trump to behave in a different manner than you, that’s certainly your prerogative. But it doesn’t make it true.

I get what you are saying, but I still have to disagree but perhaps only by a little bit. As others have commented on, this kind of protest and disagreement is a bit different from what we get from the right. I don’t know for sure, but I worry that it is this kind of equivocation that, at least partially, contributed

“Honest question” sure turned into gaslighting us and explaining why we’re wrong and not allowed to have our emotions rather quickly, didn’t it?

“I personally would mock Trump supporters who peacefully protested, therefore I believe it’s wrong for anyone else who doesn’t support Trump to peacefully protest” is a rather odd position to take. But you do you.

Same. I’m proud to see Americans exercising their right to peaceful protest.