
I had kids fret over being deported; one Latina girl overheard a classmate saying “now we can kick out all the Mexicans!”; one’s worried travel from Muslim countries will be banned and she won’t see her father again. All I could do was choke back my own tears, give them hugs, and then curl up under my desk when I was

I’m so lucky to have Jez as a mostly safe space with all of you. I found out today at my new job that my job is a safe, good space too. We all met in a room and cried when we got in.

This. My FIL, who is normally a wonderful man (or so I thought) voted Trump and commented about it on one of my Facebook posts. I’ve never made a peep about his conservative leanings even though both my husband and I are very liberal, and I let him have it this time, telling him that he can be the one to explain to

I love you, internet stranger. Be safe. You are not alone.

My dad and I became estranged today when I posted about the real responses my students had this morning, and he had to comment that Trump “said in his speech today!!” that he was going to unite everyone, and everyone’s overreacting, and I basically said “fuck you tell that to these students” and he said he won’t speak

I feel so weird about my white friends on fb. I’m black and made all of my white friends in college and while they are all perfectly nice, not ONE of them has said a thing about the election results. These are the kind of people who don’t have a lot of black friends. I was their token in college so it just feels odd.

I haven’t been feeling real giffy today, but I think this one sums up my rage and grim determination the best. For all Jezzies, everywhere.

my misery has turned to motivation. i’m going to get back into womens advocacy, which i had put on hold when my addiction spiraled and then in sobriety. i have small goals (volunteer) and large goals (look into grad school) i’m going to become the woman i was put on earth to be.

I’m done with republicans. I don’t want to talk to them, I don’t want to work with them, I don’t want to look at them. They make me sick. I wish they would all die of some horrible disease at the same fucking time and we could be rid of the affliction once and for all.

What do we do now? I’m a Mexican woman married to an Arab man and together we have a daughter. Together we check quite a few boxes of hate, not that it’s new to me. all the white women who I felt were my allies, I no longer feel safe with because quite a few of them showed their true colors this election. today I had

Protests are taking place in North and So Cal. There’s also one happening in Chicago. Man.

I know that this is going to sound bitchy and possibly condescending, but here goes: those of you who are understandably horrified by this election, but who do not work on an ongoing basis for positive change in the world need to take a look in the mirror. Trump is horrible and will certainly do horrible things. But

I’m over it. It is what it is.

this exactly. I knew they were out there. it is the people who didn’t show up for Hillary when Obama begged them to. they just didn’t seem to care.

“You get a nightmare, and you get a nightmare! Everybody gets a nightmare!!”

“Willing to condemn sexual assault” makes her a SIGNIFICANTLY better person than 60 million Americans. That’s horrifying, but it’s the reality we live in.

I wish America success. I won’t be stupid enough to assume that Trump’s success and America’s success are even close to being the same. Lord knows America needs it at this point.

I will have nothing but a giant middle finger for anyone that suggests we “need to put aside our differences and come together as a country.” NO. FUCK YOU. We aren’t divided on tax code or trade deal details. These are assholes who literally want to force me to carry out a pregnancy I might get from being raped, these

You are clearly a hope filled soul.

My prediction: Republicans finally stop dragging their heels and work together to make America a better place in 4 years than when Obama left, by hurrying bills through and not roadblocking the President at every turn.