
... do you live here? Because you basically described the three most popular political parties to a T. I’m also at a loss, and we’re all supposed to be registering to vote soon. Ramaphosa is not very inspiring. We had a cabinet minister reshuffle last week, and it was just average at best, ill-advised at worst. I

I’ve been purposely avoiding that video because my eyes will never ever be dry again, just thinking of it.

Snoop wouldn’t have any heart-shaped flowers to smoke since Killmonger burned them all, and the last one was used to bring T’Challa back to life. Unless, there is another reserve we weren’t hip to.

They’re not all Asian, but yeeeaaah, the Jabbawockees belong in 2008. Wakanda is forever in the future, lightyears ahead of us.

30, already?? Nawl, I feel like she’s been perpetually stuck at 24 or something. Rihanna is not someone I think of ageing or getting older. She just is, like some cosmic being none of us will ever understand. What I would do for just an afternoon with her. We could just sit in her house and not say a word.

What’s a sundown town?

Cold weather, the name Susan, and turkey bacon definitely deserves to be there.

“Ribbed for pleasure” OMG

Lmao I’m here at work and I was thinking exactly that this morning. Just remembering that “I’ll feed you to my children... naww we’re vegetarian” line and I was wondering...

Yup! I saw her and was like “Oh shit! I’m gonna see you again in Black Panther!”.

To me, I think if there was any type of red and green striped items in a store that I know ain’t Gucci, I assume that somebody would buy it if they wanted to act as though it is somehow a Gucci item, but most of us who know what the quality and style of Gucci products is would know that anything that isn’t, isn’t.

I read about Netanyahu just after finding out that Zuma is #NoLongerMy President, and all I could say is “What a time...”. I’m not really ecstatic over Zuma finally leaving office because for crying out loud, he should have never been elected. Rule of thumb for the future: if a man has been accused of rape, maybe

You are definitely right, I am a poor intern. I get paid just above minimum wage (which is R20 an hour, or barely $2).

I’m sure bringing the Neptunes and Timbaland on this record must have been confusing. I’m never gonna listen to any song off this album unless I accidentally come across it on the radio, but from what you’ve described, he’s trying to straddle two different sounds, the sound that made him famous and what we all know

Wait, in another article I saw on Facebook, it said that Horne was this girl’s boyfriend.

Group trips are cause for trouble. On the first and last one I went to, there was a dispute over the transport. Fucking transport. The rooms were already paid for, by the birthday girl, all we had to do was shell out for transport. I was like “no problem”, but then you have people bringing other people who were not

In the past year, most of the times I’ve eaten out was with my boss, and everytime she covered the bill and each time, I felt guilty. And it’s not like I ‘accidentally’ forgot my wallet at home, she insisted on doing so, because she can afford it and our team is full of interns and we earn shitty stipends. But I know

So what happened to Minka Kelly, that one I thought Jesse was dating?

Coco has nothing. Zilch. Gosh, what a downgrade.

So basically, today in “not all skinfolk are kinfolk”. But of course, it’s Museveni.