The new stamps from the Finland postal service are gay. Like really gay. Like overtly gay. And that's the point. The…
YOU MEAN THEY AREN'T THE SAME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!111!!one.
I think I can speak for everyone when I ask, "But how does the pizza taste, and do they deliver in thirty minutes or less?"
Holy ballsacks. Yes, those are real rabbit pelts. Nope, I'm not joking — this is actually happening right now.
I grew up Roman Catholic. Yet, two years ago, I left communion with Rome after Pope Benedict XVI called same-sex…
Haha! My purse says "May contain moths" on it, so if that had happened to me I think I would've died laughing, despite finding moths fucking scary. They are butterflies with evil intent...
I once found a caterpillar in my mange tout, all burrowed in to a space he'd eaten away. I got the meal free but all I could think…
Back when Chik-Fil-A was new and its political leanings were not as widely publicized, my mom bought us lunch at a food court location. It was GREAT. Until I got to the bottom of my soda and found a sad, drowned cock-roach.
The manager offered to replace my soda, but that was kind of like a bandaid on a gaping leg…
Yeah, I love cheese, and I love lobster....But no. That would be as disappointing as bacon wrapped scallops, all it tasted of was bacon! With a scallops price tag.
With what could have major implications on sex reassignment surgery for transgender women, four young cisgender…
Mostly. I was born with gastroschisis, so that resulted in parts of my intestine being taken out, so I can't digest things as well. I would be vegetarian anyways, but gd sometimes I break and eat it, which results in pain. ITS NOT MY CHOICE HEAR ME. I WANT CHEESE SO BAD.
pigs living primarily in the south of Spain
Greek Life, the wider term for North American student organisations known as fraternities and sororities, is not…
Weirdest thing I've found in my food? A live moth. My salad started flapping and I freaked out and murdered it with my fork. The server was very nice and I got a remade meal and a free piece of pie, so it was all good. At least it must have been really fresh lettuce?
Found a long blonde hair in a sandwich the other day. Called it a bimbo and went on eating.
I was on US Airways flying back from DC, and asked for a Coke Zero. The lady was nice enough (or so I thought) to give me a whole, unsealed can. I open the can and pour it into a cup, and it foams up rather quickly and furiously, but I feel like it is just because it is jostled. My husband takes a loooong drink.
Not to disagree with your overall point, I don't see her lyrics as "universalizing and idealizing those traditional gender roles." What a lot of people don't get is that a lot of her music is actually very conscious of her position as a black woman. In the US, BW didn't get to be the housewives. They had no choice but…
Covering up, avoiding raunch, and being 'modest' in order to be seen as equals and respectable human beings doesn't change the latter either. That's submitting to respectability politics- which are steeped in misogyny, whorephobia, religious chauvinism, and other forms of systematic oppression. It's best if people do…