

I laughed. God help me, I laughed.



Now playing

I posted this under another user's comment, but this is another fantastic commercial that will make you sob your eyes out (totally worth it though).

Kids can be such jerks.

Was Mary Poppins anyone else's first exposure to feminism? I used to march around my house with a homemade sash on (because sashes were obvi the best part of suffrage) singing "Sister Suffragette" at the top of my lungs. I'm pretty sure I made my brother sing along, too. God, that movie is the best.

Headstone? Please, I have that on my resume.

I hope they put "sexual adventuress" on my headstone. Whether or not it turns out to be true. It sounds hilarious.

Thank you for your sympathy - really. I realize I might be slightly biased. SMH

Why is it up to a third party to make sure some married dude doesn't cheat? The "homewrecker" isn't cheating on anyone.

During a particularly awful time in my past, I was the other woman. I was told that I was the only woman, and that he had broken up with his S.O. that I knew him to be with before. Little did I know, he was with her the entire time. They had been in a coast - to - coast long distance relationship, so it was pretty

I've always wondered if people save their more intense rage for "the other person", because it is easier to think really horrible thoughts about them. As opposed to having all those hateful thoughts about the person you love/care about. You have no emotional attachment to the other person and can therefore hope they

The woman who created this has this to say about her poor oppressed husband, John.

Fucking hell. You know what also happens sometimes?? The "homewreckers" the men or women are cheating with DON'T KNOW THESE PEOPLE HAVE WIVES OR HUSBANDS OR PARTNERS!

Don't get into a political debate with your friend's libertarian boyfriend.

I love sweaty sport smell. You are not alone. It is second only to pineapple sex wax.

Only affect two groups of humanity? Really? Tay-Sachs is an autosomal recessive disease, so anybody unlikely enough to get born with two copies of the "wrong" allele for that gene will get Tay-Sachs. Doesn't matter what color his/her skin is. However, I'm going to assume you're speaking about the increased prevalence

The sexiest thing about my partner is his big, crooked nose. He thinks it's awful and ugly, but it really gets me going. He looks like Adrien Brody in an Air Force uniform and it makes my ovaries go boom.