
You're getting a lot of hate here and I always feel bad for someone in your position (so long as they are not being a deliberate ass). So I just thought I'd share - I'm not American - I don't know if you are - not everyone is as it turns out! I'd never heard of bell hooks before about 6 months ago and I thought the

What is the deal with the spouse of the president being a job that seems to come with political power and expectations? Has it always been this way? I'm just curious because it seems fairly unique in the world.
If I think hard I can barely remember the name of our (New Zealand) Prime Minister's wife. Cheryl or

Bummer! I planned my period's arrival with the contraceptive pill to have a bloodless wedding and honeymoon. Best thing I ever did (that and not having unplanned babies!).
Re the wedding dress - I couldn't undo or do up mine on my own, so I needed serious assistance. Luckily my sister has seen me in worse states than

Where were you when I went to my first high school dance in 1993? Oh, the queues in the bathrooms! I can almost hear it now....

1.1 Meringue wedding dress: peeing is a two-person job

I was so happy to see this hairdo. I had a fairly disastrous haircut about 6 weeks ago, but it has - to my surprise and I'm sure to the surprise of the hairdresser - grown out into almost exactly that cut. If only I didn't have good centimetre of grey at the top, I would look awesome.

So hard to choose just one. But... may I introduce Robbie Magasiva

At the demonstration against NZ rape culture this past weekend, I was brought to tears by the courage of survivors who spoke or wore signs that indicated they had been sexually assaulted and bore no shame. One wore a placard saying "I will never be silenced again". But walking amongst about a thousand other


You can at least partly get around the embarrassment of asking questions in front of other genders too. We had an anonymous question box where we put questions before the sex educator came in. I guess questions would come up as the talk progresses - but I suppose you could get students to use the box again during a

Thanks, but it was a pun. When I hear of people getting over-exercised over nonsense like this, I often wonder what sort of dodgy shenanigans they are getting up to and compensating for. Example? A stroke of themselves, obviously. A stroke of their.... actually is gets too icky from here on in.

A stroke of what?

I've had two surgeries for endo and now I've had two babies and between all that, my endo has settled down amazingly.
Anyway - what I really wanted to say is that you are not being a baby. It is miserable. My gyno said to me that her patients get used to putting up with so much that we sort of get accustomed to it and

I'm with you. I feel like his beard is obscuring his neck - like he looks like he has no neck in this photo! Why can't everyone else see his necklessness? He is usually delicious.

That's just what I was thinking. That movie really stuck with me. I saw it about 10 years ago and I still can't get that portable toilet incident out of my head.

Yeah, I'm with you. I will call out anyone who uses the word "gay" in this way because it is offensive to use it in this way (I will also, for instance, call out anyone who uses "retard" as an insult).
But there's no denying that this is one of the definitions of the word at present (and btw the first online dictionary

"Lisa Sprader became the female equipment manager for the sewer maintenance department "

Sorry to keep harping on about this, but it is a New Zealand national day of action against rape culture on Saturday. For details of your nearest demonstration, see this blog http://thehandmirror.blogspot.co.nz

While I absolutely agree with your general point (and personally I think she looks amazing) Kate Moss doesn't look like that because she is naturally slender. She is famously quoted as saying "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" and her diet apparently includes a fair bit of cocaine. She may not look unhealthy,

I'm with you. I know we were horrible to each other as children - though the boys ostracised other boys who were at all different - and bullied the girls too. But it seemed to me that about age 16 everyone woke up and went - Eww, this isn't fun. Let's all be decent to each other. I feel like the mean girls thing