
I like her. Except when she's shilling for ridiculous Old Navy pants.

Companies will vie for profit no matter what the parameters or government interference.

Stop with the legitimizing, craven press flunkies. Over the most flimsiest, most bullshit bits of absolute theater.

Van Jones, no. You can fuck right off with that "he became the president there" bullshit.

I'm never in favor of any for profit corporation having sole discretionary control/access to a popular means of mass communication.

I'm down to block all cartoon avatars everywhere! Fucking rascals!

"It was real. Wasn't it?"

No. Because it was.

sounds like pond scum would be too good an epithet for these losers.

one bright corn in a steaming turd morass.

My sweet lord.


Candlebox: The True Heroes of Grunge. Byline: Rabin.

Oh, with Nikki Cox as the thrift-store Applegate? Christ.

“You don’t need a girlfriend / You need a social worker”—

Oh, now we're getting the curmudgeonly "site sucks now, it was better back in the day" opine.

Not Wale or J.Cole? SHOCKED.

Shit compared to Icelandic pop group Babba.

don't worry, we're all here enjoying the aftereffects of what the boomers wrought.

Comcast shittin' bricks over these fuckin' Millenials and acting accordingly.