
Grease for Peace!

oh Kick-Ass? Yeah, not a fan of either incarnation of low-ebb storytelling. Only just recently supplanted by the Deadpool movie in terms of gratuitousness.

Gentles, it was Dharma and Fucking Greg. Now everyone settle down.

Ferris Bueller sitcom was actually pretty good. It was very Parker Lewis and it featured a fresh Jen Aniston, perfectly cast as his bitchy sister.


Even those socks have standards.


Later-day Six's jeans were more a contribution than any stupid flop hat.

Oh, the PLOPPY HAT! What a contribution!

No, i'm morbidly fascinated by your comment (and comments like it). Like somehow your personal taste/acceptance/tolerance on the subject invalidates everyone else's.

Revisionist bullshit aside, that was the dumbest show of the 90s. And man, she cavorted about in that intro like an addled mule.

Underpants stains, listen. There's this channel called Disney XD….

"Ludo in the Wild" might be one of the weirdest, most outre cartoons i've seen in quite some time.

God forbid you actually have to read articles you're not interested in. What a personal level of tragedy no one should ever endure.

Yes. The current "Wolverine".

Yeah, he almost didn't grace us with more incompetent bungling and/or excreted stupidity.

Of course. Easy to digest character created for the cartoon. I will say that her NYX comic followup was the best, most layered depiction of the character, though. Of course, it's been disowned as being part of her official canon now. Too "gritty" and rough for a Marvel heroine.

Good boy. *pats head, offers a lolly*

Real? Did shit just get?

Good knowledge. I had that X-Men Compendium that Claremont & Byrne mentioned who they based the characters off of.